Chapter 5 - Mrs. Brandon's Effort

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Sense and Sensibility! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates on the second and fourth Saturday of each month!

As the month allotted for the Brandons' honeymoon came to an end, Marianne left her bed once her bleeding had ceased to acquaint herself with her less exciting and far less pleasurable wifely duties.

Christopher remained by her side for the majority of each day.

Although he only left to travel into London when business dictated an urgent need for his presence, Marianne found herself faced with various decisions regarding domestic matters about which she hadn't expected to be consulted.

Christopher journeyed into London for a brief meeting one afternoon while Marianne sat and read a book in the estate's library, content to patiently wait for her husband to return.

A couple of hours later, Mrs. Millins unexpectedly appeared in the doorway to the sitting room and asked Marianne, ".....Mrs. Brandon?"

Marianne blinked as she looked up from her book and smiled, "Oh! Mrs. Millins, you can call me 'Marianne' if you'd like."

"Mrs. Brandon..." Mrs. Millins insisted as she frowned at her mistress, "Please forgive my intrusion, but there's been a most unfortunate accident with the parlor curtains.....I'd like to have your input on a new pair so that I can order a replacement set as quickly as possible."

Marianne blinked.

Mrs. Millins waited in the doorway while Mrs. Brandon slowly closed her book and asked, "My input?.......Is Christopher unable to examine the curtains once he returns?"

"My dear girl," Mrs. Millins sighed as she clasped her hands together, "You are the lady of the house, are you not? Surely you realize your title dictates duties beyond sharing your husband's bed."

Marianne blushed as she asked shyly, "..........May I ask what you mean, Mrs. Millins?"

"The Colonel has given the staff full instructions that you are to be his partner in the running of this estate." Mrs. Millins frowned.

When Marianne continued to stare at her in confusion, Mrs. Millins huffed and added, "That includes matters such as choosing decorations and seeing to domestic issues like ruined curtains, Mrs. Brandon! Now if you please......"

As Mrs. Millins made a motion with her hand, Marianne's eyes widened as she stood from her chair, walked over to the door, and followed Mrs. Millins down the hallway to the parlor.


Marianne didn't understand enough about the housekeeper's actions to appreciate what she was trying to teach her as they entered the room together.

The maids looked at each other in shame as Mrs. Millins stepped forward and showed Marianne the ripped curtains.

"There you are, Mrs. Brandon." Mrs. Miller sighed while Marianne examined the slits in the fabric, "I'm afraid Edith slipped as she dusted the rod and dragged them to the floor with her. It won't do to have a set of hanging curtains with visible tears."

", it won't." Marianne frowned as she ran her fingers along the torn window decorations.

"Shall we replace them with the same curtains, Mrs. Brandon? Or order something a bit different from the fabric makers in London?" Mrs. Millins asked as she pursed her lips.

Marianne stared at the destroyed curtains and thought very hard.

She knew that the estate had been in Christopher's family for generations.

Mrs. Brandon: The Story of Christopher and MarianneWhere stories live. Discover now