"Hi there. I'm Harlow." I say. 

"And I'm Pierce." he adds, standing next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist. 

The little girl looks terrified, her brown eyes wide as she looks around. Her long brown hair is a tangled mess and her pants are stained beyond recognition. The little boy looks wary, like he's not sure we can be trusted. He has a red mark on his cheek and his clothes look two sizes too small. 

"This is Beckett." Becca says, motioning towards the boy. "And Sutton." she says of the girl. I lower myself to the ground, so I'm eye level with them.

"It's so nice to meet you." I say, trying to keep the emotion from my voice. 

I look between them, my heart hammering in my chest. A strange feeling comes over me as I take them in, like an audible snap in my brain as a realization clicks into place. 

They're mine. 

A sense of dread fills my gut. This has never happened before and I know the rules, the way these things work. 

I know I'll have to say goodbye eventually. 

"Why don't we go have a little treat before bed." I suggest, urging them to follow me towards the kitchen. 

They do silently and I look at Becca, but she shakes her head gently as she follows us. I lift the little girl up onto a stool, the scent of her nearly knocking me over. Both of them are in desperate need of baths. I give them each a cup of hot chocolate, making sure it's not too hot. Sutton smiles when she tries it, but Beckett still looks nervous as his eyes ping around the room. 

"You're safe here." I tell them both. Becca stays with us awhile longer before signaling she needs to go. I follow her towards the door and she lowers her voice to talk to me. 

"Did you see Beckett's face?" she asks and I nod. "His dad hit him. He took Sutton and ran. Their mom was trying to stop him from going after them. It's so fucking sad." she says, her eyes glistening with tears. I hug her tight and rub her back before letting her go. 

"They'll be safe here. Don't worry. I know it's hard, Becca, but these kids need us. All of them." I say quietly. She nods and takes a deep breath. 

"I know. I know, it's just so hard." she says. 

"Why don't you take a vacation? Pierce and I have a house on an island. The weather is perfect. We'll fly you down there. You need to take a break. Recharge." I offer. Her eyebrows shoot up at my offer. 

"Really?" she asks. 

"We'll set it up tomorrow." I say firmly. 

"You guys are seriously the nicest people I've ever met." she says genuinely and I can't help but laugh a little. 

"We're just doing our best." I say and watch as she leaves before locking the door and closing the gate. I head back into the kitchen where Pierce is cutting up apples for the kids. 

Once they finish their snacks I take them to their rooms, starting a shower for Beckett. I watch as his fingers glide over the pajamas then the puppy, lifting it and squishing it to his chest. 

"Is this for me?" he asks, awe coloring his tone. 

"Yes. I made it." I say, trying to stop myself from crying. 

"Thank you." he says sweetly and I feel my heart aching with love for him. He deserves so much more from this life than what he was given.

"Of course, sweetie. I'll come back to check on you in a few minutes." I say, carrying Sutton to her room. 

I bathe her and dress her before tucking her into bed. She has her bumblebee tucked tight under her arm as I sit and run my fingers through her hair. I made sure Beckett was settled before spending a long time untangling her hair and now it looks beautiful. I hear Pierce walking down the hall to check on us. Usually I have him stay back at first with new placements. They always seem to be more scared of men. He knocks gently on the door and peers into the room. 

"You need anything, love?" he asks. I shake my head and look back down at Sutton, not wanting to leave her. 

"Can I sleep in here?" Beckett asks, appearing in the doorway by Pierce. "I want to stay close to my sister." he adds. I look up at Pierce, but he's looking down at Beckett with warm smile. 

"Of course, buddy. Let me grab the other bed." Pierce says, patting Beckett affectionately on the head. A few minutes later he comes back with a toddler bed from storage and puts it down next to Sutton's bed. I put clean sheets on it and grab Beckett's comforter off of his bed.

We tuck them both in before turning on the night light. I shut the big light off and Pierce and I stand in the doorway, watching as they settle in and fall asleep. I sigh and Pierce grabs my hand, pulling me towards our room. Once the door closes behind us I turn to look at him. 

"They're mine." I say, not quite able to stop it from spilling out of my mouth. Pierce smiles at me and runs his hands up and down my arms. 

"I know." he says, surprising me. 

"Really?" I ask and he nods. 

"The moment we saw them, I knew. I'll call the office tomorrow. Start the adoption process." he says. 

"Wait. But what about you?" I ask and he grins at me. 

"They're perfect, Harlow. I want them too. But I know it will make you happy. All I want to do is make you happy." he says, grabbing my waist and pulling me into his chest. I push up on tiptoe, pressing my lips against his. 

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