Chapter 10

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I don't need to wait for my alarm to go off. I'm already wide awake, just waiting until I can roll out of bed to make Harlow breakfast. It had been nearly a week since out first swim in the pool and Harlow had seemed to finally be settling in with me. She didn't look nervous every time I walked into the same room as her and she even started asking me to do things with her. She started to learn how to paint as well and seemed to actually be enjoying it. She had spent a lot of time in the pool, floating around in the warm water on a giant blow up flamingo I ordered for her. She looked relaxed and like she was enjoying this respite instead of constantly being wary of her surroundings. 

As soon as my alarm beeps, I jump out of bed and hurry to shower and get dressed. I bustle down the stairs, straining my ears for any movement in Harlow's room, but it's quiet. I walk towards the kitchen, confusion rippling through me when I hear the banging of pots and pans. When I walk in the room, I see Harlow behind the counter stirring something. She hears me come in and her eyes pop up to mine, her face splitting in a wide smile that knocks the air out of my lungs. 

"Morning!" she says cheerfully, flipping a pancake. I walk around the island towards her, taking the spatula out of her hand. 

"What are you doing?" I ask, steering her towards the chair, but she spins in my arms and bats my hand away, grabbing the spatula back. 

"Cooking breakfast. Obviously." she snaps, retaking her place in front of  the stove. 

"Why?" I ask. "I always cook for you."

"I know. So I wanted to cook for you. I was trying to be nice. I thought you'd like it." she says, her face dropping like she's disappointed by my reaction. A spear of pain goes through me at her morose face and I decide I need to fix it immediately. 

I turn her towards me gently, wrapping my arms around her and tucking her into my chest. I haven't initiated much contact since that day in the pool when she held onto me. I didn't want to scare her or make her think I'm pressuring her for more, but every time I'm this close to her it feels like a missing piece of me has found it's way home. 

"That's amazing, love. Thank you." I murmur, kissing her head gently. She sighs a little and relaxes in my hold, making me wonder if she is actually starting to enjoy my presence. 

I hadn't dared to hope for that until now. 

"But I don't want you to feel like you have to cook. I enjoy doing that for you." I say, softening my voice and waiting until she pulls back slightly to look up at me. 

"I like cooking too. Sometimes, anyway." she says with a grin. I chuckle and nod, turning her back towards the stove. 

"Alright. I'll set the table, you finish breakfast." I say. 

"The table?" she asks. 

"Sure. I think your feast deserves the proper atmosphere." I tease, carrying plates and silverware into the dining room that hasn't been used since I was a kid. 

Just as I finish her place setting, she brings in a few plates stacked high with pancakes and bacon. I help her bring a few more things into the dining room before pulling out a chair for her to sit in. 

"Wow. It's beautiful in here." she says, her eyes darting around the large room as she takes in all of the details. 

"I'm glad you like it. We used to have Christmas dinners here when I was a kid." I say.

"Where do you have them now?" she asks. 

"It depends on what mood my mother is in. Some years she wants the snowy white Christmas and other years she wants to be in warmer weather. But she never picks this place. I think it's because of how far away it is from civilization. If you forget something for dinner, it's almost an hour to the closest grocery store." I explain. Harlow nods and continues to look around the room. 

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