Chapter 13

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I yawn and stretch, the light from the window confusing me. It's normally bright this time of day, so I peek my eyes open and look through the curtains. It's a gloomy, rainy kind of day. 

My favorite. 

I grin to myself and shuffle back to bed, burrowing in the blankets. Days like this make me want to stay in bed all day. 

Or Pierce's bed. 

The thought floats through my brain so quickly it takes me by surprise. But as I think on it a little more I realize it's not a totally unwelcome thought. The idea of snuggling into his broad chest, his strong arms wrapped around me...

 I let out an involuntary groan before chastising myself. He stole me. Kidnapped me. Trapped me in his gorgeous house. 

Then treated me better than anyone else has in my entire life. 

The jerk. 

He stalked me, kidnapped me and then made me like him. 

The audacity. 

I chuckle to myself, pushing up out of bed and heading into my bathroom to shower. Pierce is usually up this time of the morning, already making breakfast. As I finish and dress I feel a strange sense of quiet settle over me. I wander through the house, walking down the stairs. Normally Pierce is bustling about, but the kitchen is empty. I go to check in his room when I notice a computer sitting on the countertop. It peaks my interest, since the only piece of technology I've had access to this whole time is the TV. I amble over to it and see a note laying next to it. 

Good morning, sweetheart.

I'm sorry to leave like this, but I got an urgent call from one of our engineers last night and had to go into the office. I won't be gone long, I'll be home in time for dinner. I made some breakfast and lunch for you. They're in the fridge. Don't worry about dinner, I have a special treat planned. When you wake up, if you want to use the computer to video chat just hit the call button. It's all set up. 

I miss you already. 


I read the note a couple of times before walking over to the fridge. Sure enough there are meals and snacks already prepped for the day. I grin a little, but can't help but feel the emptiness of the house around me. I've never been here alone and don't particularly like it. I touch thes computer to wake it up and the video call is waiting for me. I press call and wait as it chirps. A few moments later Pierce's face comes on the screen, smiling as he enters a room and shuts the door behind him. 

"There's my girl." he says warmly and I feel my cheeks heat in a blush. "I'm sorry." he adds. 

"For what?" I ask. 

"Leaving you alone. I hated to do it but I needed to work on some equipment." he says. 

"It's alright. I'm a big girl I can be left alone for a day." I say, my emotions betraying my words. I hadn't realized how attached I'd grown to him until he was suddenly gone. 

"Well, call me anytime you want. I'll just be working on some lab equipment. And I'll be home later today." he says. 

"Alright. Have a good day." I say, my hands nearly refusing to hang up the call. 

"You too, love." he says before his face disappears from the screen. 

I sigh and pull out my breakfast, warming it up and picking at it before I give up trying to eat. I peruse the laptop a little, surprised he left me with it. Surely I could figure out a way to get ahold of someone to get me out of here. I consider it but honestly, I don't want to. 

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