Chapter 6

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I yawn and stretch as I wake from a peaceful sleep, my body still engulfed in the cloud like mattress and blankets. I pop my eyes open and am momentarily confused as I take in my surroundings. Then I groan in frustration. 

So all that bullshit wasn't just a dream? 

After dinner last night, Pierce didn't say anything as I came up the stairs and went into my room, locking the door behind me. I was worried he may do something weird, like sneak in during the night and watch me sleep, but I hadn't noticed anything like that. I haven't gotten the vibe that he would do something like touch me against my will, but I'm still wary of him. 

I get up and shower, since it's what I always do, but once I'm dressed I realize I really have no reason to be. I have no job, no responsibilities, nothing to keep my mind occupied. 

I'm going to go insane. 

Just as the thought flashes through my mind, there's a timid knock on the door. I unlock it and pull it open to see Pierce on the other side, smiling softly at me. 

"Good morning." he says warmly. 

"Is it?" I ask him sarcastically. 

"What?" he questions.

"A good morning? Is it a good morning, Pierce?" I ask harshly, but he just chuckles at me. 

"I have a surprise for you." he says, motioning for me to follow him. I sigh and do as he asks since my only other option is staying cooped up in my room alone. 

I follow him down a couple of hallways towards a part of the house that I haven't seen yet. He stops outside a double door, pushing it open so they both swing to the side. I walk in behind him, my mouth gaping in shock as I take in the space. 

It's a huge room, mostly made up of windows that will face the sunset in the afternoon. One wall is covered in shelves, stock full of every color yarn imaginable. It's organized to look like a rainbow, going from as low as the floor all the way to the ceiling. 

"Come look." Pierce says excitedly, pulling me gently towards the corner of the room. 

There's a small table next to a huge, plush recliner. I touch it and feel it rock easily under my fingertips. Stacked on the table are books on learning to knit as well as patterns for different projects. Pierce nudges me gently towards a chest on the ground. I kneel down and open it to see more knitting needles than most craft stores have. They range in sizes, lengths and some even have cords connecting them. 

"I got you some hook things too, but I don't know what they're for." he says, pointing towards the other side of the chest. 

"Crocheting. I think." I murmur as I look at all of the things he got for me. 

"I also got these things." he says, pointing towards a little box on the table next to the chair that has stitch markers, darning needles and little scissors. 

"This is incredible." I murmur, looking around the room again. "How did you do this is one night?" I ask. 

"My personal shopper is an older retired lady that I pay very well for only doing a few hours of work a week. Turns out she loves this stuff and when I gave her an unlimited budget, she went buck wild." he says, adjusting the chair slightly so it points towards the windows more. 

"I hope you let her get a few things for herself." I say and Pierce gives me a reproachful look.

"Of course, sweetheart. I think she got almost as much as you." he says and I feel a laugh bubble up in my chest. The absurdity of the moment crashes down on me and I can't stop it from spilling out. Pierce stops what he's doing to look on me, shock written all over his face. I collect myself, walking over to the chair and plopping down in it. 

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