Chapter Six: Determination

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Flug came back with a present in mind, he wanted to give back the cat ears Cecilia once wore to try to remind her of who she was, As Flug was doing the cameras again he noticed she was doing better when he came to check up on her which gave him hope for her recovery

That night he came again, he was dressed in his old uniform and gave her, the cat ears she was speechless and held it in her arms while looking at it, it reminded her of the past but she wasn't looking forward to it so she tried to break it, As flug watched her destroy it he wouldn't do anything, he could stop it but he didn't after the whole scene only he saw ended he looked at her as she looked at the floor not facing him, He tried to apologise but was met with silence, Instead of giving in like last time he said with all genuineness "I'm sorry I just wanted to help you improve Cecilia"

She was not used to hearing that name anymore, unlike last time she didn't change what he said and just looked at him, with the face that said 'What?' He sighs and says "Care for a game of Chess?"

They start playing, while playing she asks "Why are you here" "You already know that right?" "There hasn't been any progress" "Mhm, but I'll still try, no experiment goes right the first time unless your lucky" "Are you doing this to heroes?" "No only you" "Why only me?" He sighs "Because I know who you truly are, unlike random heroes I know who you pretend you are, and who is the reak you so Cecilia please come back, I miss you" She felt as if he was talking with his heart as he said that they finish the game with Flug winning

Flug leaves determined to help, everytime he gets a day off he goes to Heed either to talk, try to help her, or just accompanya her, he would go foe the past 4 months and she was improving a lot she started acting a little bit like her old self and started to warm up to people after a week Flug didn't visit her which suprised her but brushed it off that he was busy after a month of him not going..


Sorry for ths short chapter I'm busy rn and dont have that much ideas anymore but I'll try, have a wonderful day and I hoped you were entertained

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