Chapter Two: Boredom

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As Mono was sent out he felt a sense of emptyness as what he did most of the time was prohibited, at first he thought of making new products or mass producing the tested products but Black Hat prevented him to

As he contemplated what to do he decided to learn more about people as it could be useful to him, he already read about a lot of it but first hand experience isn't a bad thing

As he thought of what to do he first thought of plan, first a firm and approachable look(long wig but not enough to cover his whole face and a casual outfit), second try not using the book as much because it could lead to akward moments, and lastly try to wing it and learn from previous mistakes

He started with entering a mall and went to material selling areas that could be useful to his product production, he bumbed into a person and instinctively said sorry but the person said its fine, he knew it was the perfect time to strike and started small talk

The person he talked to was a mental therapist expert and talked about most things they do as Flug said he worked on experiments and products for a living and made sure not to lie unleds needed so, The person talked about his life as a mental therapist and I got intrigued so I asked him if I could go to his center and learn how to take care of them and possibly help the ones who aren't that far in, naturally he was suprised since I'm the first one to ask if I could learn how to help mentally disabled people and as enthusiastic as I was he reluctantly agreed and planned to meet tommorow

The next hour Flug asked Black Hat if he could postpone his break for tommorow which he agreed to if he can mass produce the tested products for commercial uses, as the night goes by he finished most of it and was getting to the last one anf at 5 am the next day he finished and immediately slept as he didn't get any last night

at 9 am Mono woke up and did his usual routine but noticed 505 was already awake and doing chores and noticed it was already 9:15, he hurried to get into his disguise and exit

Once Mono and The Therapist met up to the spot he escorted him into the center where he explained that most common mental illnesses are Anxiety disorder, Depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he already knew this but didn't say so as he wanted to know what he learned from experience

(This next dialogue could be fake and only used to prosper the story, if it sounds too fake and cringe for you I apologize, please critisize me so I can improve and avoid these moments)

"I usually get paitents who come with a friend, family, or partner and always seem normal or egotistic person but they mostly just want to fit in and be noticed as they were deprived from it from childhood or highschool typical bullying" He said, which he found interesting as what he read said that situations like these are rare and wasnt as detailed as much from what he read but he kept listening and as the days ended and they were going there seperate ways he asked "How do you help paitents who wants to be noticed?" He replied with "Usually people like that like to act what popular people do so encourage them and make them feel confident of there real self with not only yourself but with a friend group but don't force them make them feek like your there for them whatever path they take" as he said that they departed and Flug finnaly got the rest he wanted

As these events happened Heed on the other hand was given therapist to help her but it didn't work as she was busy with her pen so they transfered her to a new cell similar to the old cell but it was clean and took away her pen

He knew what they were planning and as the therapist entered again she huddled up in the corner and held her knees and ignored him, after a day of the therapist trying to help Heed he left, the next day after sending her food(which was decent even though it was a prison, no worries to the people who felt bad for her) they sent a hot therapist but no change was made

In the afternoon armed personnel entered the room and installed a television and gave her a remote which what she mostly watched aside from being in the corner and mostly watched news from now on then, as for the staff actively helping her they all gave a sigh and hoped she'd get better by herself for the meantime


Sorry for that one dialouge cause I wasn't sure if It was proven so to the people who knows this is fake and cringing over this please tell me how to rewrite it for future readers, thanks for reading this random fic of mine I hope you were entertained

Dr. Flug x Miss HeedWhere stories live. Discover now