Chapter Five: Sprout

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"Ken!" his mother screamed as they fell from the second floor to the first after a hero punched a villian towarda their house, Ken was the nickname his mother gave to Flug

As he coughs he noticed his mother under the rubble, he tried to call for the hero but he was too busy showing off the villian's defeat and making a scene, Ken was smarter than most kids his age and tried his best to call for someone but eventually failed exiting the rubble he once called home

After a whole 2 hour he finnaly caught people's attention but in the hospital his mother died, something broke inside of him that day, He asked himself is that really a hero? he had a grudge against them but never took action

He stole junk, food, and money from people using his intellect or his home made machine, his machines gained a lot of attention which helped him get into school

*Flashback ends*

"Heroes are selfish people who wants attention and doesn't gives two shits about the damage he does or the villian's problems!" He shouted venting his anger and frustration at the corrupt hero system, his shouts weren't heard as the last time they added sound proof walls since Heed screamed the last time

Heed was visibly shooked to see such a timid person shout such hate for heroes and say a profanity for once (I dont know if this is canon or not so lets say this is in my universe) He didn't apologize as he had to show her how corrupt the system she worked for could be, they argued over it but Flug had the more proof as he has gathered most information of heroes from his existing data or info gathered from manipulated victims

After a little bit of akward silence Heed started the conversation "Why do you want to help me, I dont have anymore info and ill do fine by myself" "I disagree you've been in a worse state than when I last visited you" he replied "so what now? want us to be friends again? you are a villian and I am a hero" "A hero behind bars?" he commented which earned him a tch from Heed "So how do you plan on helping me?" "I dont know" "What do you mean you dont know?" "Ill keep visiting in my free time" "and you think that would help me?" "Yes because I support you" "You ruined me" "I ruined Heed, I supported Cecilia" As both of them was standing talking which was far different from their original position which was Flug facing the other way and Heed huddled up in the corner
"Its Heed! Heed! Cecilia died long ago! how is anybody supposed to love me as Cecilia!"

He stayed quiet and responded with "I dont know, atleast you would of had one genuine supporter" he said with a comforting and quiet voice which made her silent "Why dont you believe that your true self would be loved? sure you have all these followers as Heed but they arent you, I would love Cecilia more than heed if I thought you were two different people" she lightly blushed but wasnt visible to Flug who was oblivious that he admitted he loved her sighed and thought she was giving him the silent treatment and left so that she could ve alone with her thoughts

She thought about what he said, she wanted to be loved regardless if it was genuine or not, she loved what she became but not what she truly is, was this really the right path? was she really the hero? or was heroes, really the good guys? the whole concept of everything was flipped upside down because of their conversation "I would love Cecilia more than Heed" was stuck on her head until she snapped out of it, and said to herself 'One opinion of a random person, let alone someone hate mattered to me, am I desperate for attention this much?' she lied to herself in her thoughts to re-assure her she didnt want to believe that his opinion or confession for her mattered

The next day Heed was still in bad condition but was noticed getting out of the corner to eat a little which made the scientist cheer as they dont want to force her to eat it becuase of the danger or the annoying expirience and not because of her health as they needed it or else they would be fired

Even though her thoughts made excuses about Flug deep inside she would like her to come again and re-assure her and guide her to being confident and loving herself

Flug went home feeling a little better as he vented a little in the cell but went back to his new usual demeanour and to his job and hoping that her words would make her reconsider

Dr. Flug x Miss HeedWhere stories live. Discover now