Chapter Four: Past

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Can anyone help me make up chapter names, im at a loss aside from that enjoy this chapter


After a week Flug recieved 2 jobs and was more succesful and faster than usual and has been getting black hat much more recognision but confused him, why did such a generic doctor who normally tried his best to cooperate with the team and fail get so good, he then watched them as they get to the area they were sent to with a camera in their ship

"505, same plan as always okay? try to hide and 'cover' the enemy" said in a sweet tone and continued with "Demencia once 505 is holding the enemy attack them" said in his new usual tone which sounds cold and critical "But this is boring nerd besides do you really think they can defeat me?" "Your not invincible Demencia, I'm only trying to keep you safe besides you want to see Black hat right?" "Fine but if I find them weak enough so I can fight them alone, ill attack them" As he sighs, he agrees still finding Demencia unreasonable

Black hat found this odd as usually he struggles at relaying the plan to the team as he watches this he can't help but to laugh at the doctor who was normal become truly a cold-hearted villian and not a scientist who only had a label for proof

They arrive and follow the plan as told and tie them up but Black hat noticed that Flug can perfectly manipulate one of them imto giving information for future jobs as he's compiling files of heroes which he found interesting and as they entered their ride Demencia says "I can't wait to meet Black hat again!" "Demencia, we only took 45 minutes for this job" "but it feels like a year without Black hat" he sighs as they enter the ship and give Demencia chips so she can't cause more chaos than what she has already done and apologizing to 505 as he eventually needs to clean all of this, 505 hugs his father(I just love 505 and Flug's Father-Son relationship so bare with me if I unconsiously type father instead of Flug or he) to thank him for being worried for him

As they arrive back Black hat called Flug instead of teleporting them which scared him and as he arrives he was ready to get judged or screamed at but he congratulated him for acting like a villian for once and said he has permission on testing on anyone or anything again since he was denied to since what happened


(Minor Reminder this flashback is not canon and is considered to be in my universe)

As Flug was testing on a girl who was very shy and quiet but was very talkative if she was friends with them she asked "after this can I become a villian?" "Im not sure, I may fail" "Dont worry whatever happens ill trust you" and while she entered the tube a lizard crawled in(Very cliche, I know but I got no more ideas) and ruined the experiment, afrer she exited she didn't want anything of her life, including her name anymore, she adopted the name 'Demencia'

*Flashback ends*

"Are you sure?" "Yes, im sure any mistake will be rare now that you are like this" he says while wearing a large smirk "I greatly appreciate the trust you conveyed Lord black hat sir" as he left in search of the best experiment subject he remembered the prison and decided to check on Heed

As he checked the camera footage to see if he could loop them he saw what transpired when he left her and kinda felt bad, yeah she may have used his work but in his moral code a person who tried their best to strive for something just to be pushed down is just disgusting as he looped the recording he said to himself to try to help Heed, she may not be grateful but he did it for himself anyways

He entered once he was done looping the camera, immediately he noticed Heed's new and clean room, he also noticed her being in a corner hugging her kneed as he got closer to the glass to get her attention "What do you want?" she said in a weak yet cold tone "I came to check up on you" "why, do you want more information? thats all I know none more, now leave me alone!" "I know what they were doing a mediorce job at trying to help you" "How would you know, you wouldn't care about me especialy after I took your work" "I saw the camera, im not a physcopath I dont let my old friends suffer alone, and all of that is in the past, karma already happened I dont care anymore" he responded "You know, I never understand you, you are a villian doing villanous acts yet your heart is in the right place, why do this?" He then asks himself but he himself doesn't remember, or maybe he didn't want to remember


Hey thanks for reading this I hope you were entertained even though this is my first fic, btw can anyone tell me where I can watch more Villanous episodes cause im sure I havent watched all of it, if you have any websites where I can watch some tell me, I really want to watch some, aside fron that no further announcments have a good day

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