Chapter 32 - Tell Me

Start from the beginning

I hear the ring three times, and someone finally picks up.


"Hey... Oikawa."

"What's wrong?" His tone was a concerning one, I assumed he thought there was something up, as I never call him. Or anyone, for that fact.

"Um- well..." I hesitate, trying to decide if I should spit it out or not, "Are you at home right now?"


"Are you busy?"

"No. Why?"

"Can I... come over?"

There was silence on the other line for what felt like an eternity, but he finally answered, "Sure."

"Thanks, see you in a bit." I quickly hung up the call before he could say anything else and started to run. I could easily walk, but I wanted to get there faster for some reason. I didn't want to waste any time.

Eventually, I arrived. I stood at his front door and knocked, completely out of breath.

Why the hell did I run knowing how bad my stamina is? That was so unnecessary...

"Hey-" Oikawa opens the door to see me, hunched over with my hands on my knees, "Did you run here?"

"Yes." I coughed. His facial expression was a mixture of confusion and concern.

"Well, come in."

I entered the house and saw a face I wasn't expecting.

"Tooru, you didn't tell me you were bringing a girlfriend over."

"She's a friend, mom. I don't have a girlfriend."


"Uh- Hello, Ms. Oikawa." How embarrassing is this? It's the first time I'm meeting her, and I look like a complete wreck.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you...?"


"Y/N," She smiles, it's a familiar smile, one I see on Oikawa all the time. They looked extremely similar.

"I'm heading out now, you two have fun. No messing around, though."

"Yeah, yeah, thanks. See you later, mom." Oikawa waves as she gets her shoes on and exits the house. The door clicked shut, and now we're left with silence.

"I've never met your mom before." I try my best to break the awkward atmosphere we've somehow created.

"I know. She's usually out." He began walking to his room, "So, why were you in such a rush to come here? You could've asked me to pick you up or something."

"Ah... I dunno..." I follow behind him, "I guess I didn't wanna bother you more. Why waste gas when I could run?"

"Hm." He sits down at his desk, shutting off the laptop that was left on. I begin scanning the room. I've only been in here once, it was dark then, so I never really saw what it looked like. To my surprise, it was clean. I'm not sure what I was expecting in the first place though.

"You can sit, y'know." Oikawa interrupts my thoughts.

"Right." I awkwardly place myself on his neatly made bed.

"You still haven't answered my question from before."

I tilt my head, "Huh?"

"Why'd you wanna come here?"

Good question. Why the hell did I come here? That was really dramatic storming out of my house like that...

"Well- um..." I try unscrambling my thoughts, as they seemed to be all over the place, "I just didn't wanna be home right now... Aya's busy and Iwaizumi wasn't answering his calls..."

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