Chapter 2 - Kicked Out

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As I opened the door to the art room, I took one step in and completely froze.

There, standing right in front of my eyes was a girl, her face completely red, and Oikawa Tooru.

What was he doing in the art room? Well, it wouldn't take a genius to guess what's going on here. It's probably another confession. The girl was most likely a first year, based on the fact I didn't recognize her, and her appearance too. But out of all places to confess, the art room? I guess it is quiet, and I was early so there wasn't anyone in the class yet. After a few seconds of awkwardly staring at each other, the girl spoke up.

"Uhm... excuse me, could you maybe... uh- leave for a second?" Ok, this girl is bold. Confessing to someone on the first day of school and trying to kick a third year out of a classroom.

"Well, I hate to interrupt, but I have to get work done in here. Plus, other students are coming soon, so it would make more sense if you guys left." I replied.

"Can't you work somewhere else?" She insisted.

"What, you want me to paint in the math room or something?" I didn't try to hide the sarcasm in your voice, letting out a small chuckle. Before she could continue, Oikawa stopped her from saying anything else.

"It's alright, we'll leave." He looks at me and back at the girl, "I've already said what I needed to say anyway" All she could do was watch Oikawa leave, and glare at me as she exited the room. What a weird experience, I thought to myself. Before I could fully process what happened, Aya bursts into the room.

"Y/N, what was Oikawa doing coming out of the art room?" she whisper-yelled walking towards me.

"I don't know... another confession."

"Already? It's only the first day!"

"That's exactly what I was thinking. These first years are bold." I laughed along with Aya. "But it's Oikawa, so what do you expect?"

"Yeah, he gets like a thousand confessions a day! But anyway, that's not why I came here. I wanted to ask if you wanted to come to the gym with me?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because we're just starting a practice, and I think it'll be fun for you to join us!" I looked at her in confusion.

"Is that even allowed?" I questioned, "And I was gonna do some work here. Also, I'm not even that good at volleyball."

"Please, Y/N I'm begging you, Oikawa is gonna be on the courts next to us and I don't know if I can be around him alone, I need you! And don't worry I asked the coach, and it's fine if you just wanna watch!"

"Aya, you have your whole team! And his team too, it's not like you guys are being locked in a room alone together!"

"But you're the only one who knows about my crush! Therefore, you can help me out a little, maybe start up a conversation with him or something."

In the end, I ended up going anyway. I couldn't just leave my best friend hanging like that, after all, she's always there for me.

Arriving at the big gym, I notice everyone is already warming up, with the girls on one court and the guys on the other.

"Wanna warm up with us?" Aya turns to me.

"I'm not even on the team. And I already told you I'm not that good at volleyball." I stated, beginning to walk towards the stairs that lead to the stands.

"Just a few passes! The practice hasn't even officially started yet, and I already told you the coach said it was alright. Please?" I hesitated for a short moment but agreed. I haven't played for a while, so I'll probably be extremely rusty. I go to set my stuff down on the other side of the gym, while Aya goes to chat with her teammates. Suddenly, a ball hits my feet. I picked it up to hand it back to whoever hit me, but I was not expecting to see that face.

Oikawa Tooru.

"Sorry about that!" He thanks me as I toss the ball back to him, but he pauses for a second.

"Hm, I thought you needed the art room?" Oikawa questioned in a teasing tone. I didn't really know what to say... I kicked him and a girl out saying I needed to work in there, but suddenly I'm not even in that room.

"Uh... well, it's not like I want to be here, my friend wanted me to watch." I pointed at Aya, trying to get her involved in this conversation since another reason I was there was to help her out with Oikawa. As this is happening, Aya notices me talking to Oikawa and jogs toward me.

"Ready Y/N?" Her face turned slightly red just from being near him. Before I could respond, Oikawa got hit in the head with a ball.

"Hey, Shittykawa, stop flirting with girls and get back to practice with us- wait, Y/N? what are you doing here, aren't you in the art club?" Iwaizumi asked. I've been in a few classes with Iwaizumi over the past couple of years, and the two of us were always nice to each other. I would consider him a friend, but not a very close one like Aya.

"I thought she was in art club too, but I guess she just likes kicking people out of classrooms for fun" Oikawa chimes in.

"No, I am, I just got... dragged here by her." I say looking at Aya.

"Don't deny it, Y/N! I know deep down you still wanna play." She lightly elbows me.

"You used to play volleyball, Y/N?" Iwaizumi questioned, but before I could say anything, their teammates started yelling at us to stop talking and go play.

After doing a few passes with Aya, the team started doing drills and scrimmages of their own. I didn't want to disturb the practice any longer, so I grabbed my stuff and headed back to the art room. I wasn't going to stay long, I wanted to get back home in time to help make dinner.

Other than that weird encounter with Oikawa and the girl, the first day of my last year was not as bad as I thought it would be.

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