"Sweet dreams," John said as he pecked Sherlock's lips one last time. For a while John just laid there with his eyes closed, feeling Hamish's heartbeat close to him. He wasn't sure how long it was before he did fall into a light doze and then finally sleep. When he woke, Sherlock and their children were still asleep and Hamish and Emmalyn had cuddled closer to each of them respectfully. With careful movements he placed Hamish even more towards the middle and watched as he stirred but didn't wake. He placed a pillow on his side as a barrier then went about getting ready for work, trying to stay as quiet as he could.

Sherlock heard John wake, but he didn't move or say a thing. He needed to stay quiet and still so Hamish and Emmalyn wouldn't wake up too early. He watched silently as John got ready for work and watched him leave the bedroom. He faintly heard the kettle while John made himself some tea and then the toaster. All the while he was watching the twins sleep, so peaceful and quiet... but not for too much longer, because they would be hungry soon. He hoped John would come back before he left for work for his usual kiss goodbye.

As John put jam on his toast he listened for any sign that Hamish and Emmalyn had woken up yet because, despite his best efforts, he could never tell when Sherlock was awake. As he ate his breakfast he tried to think of a good reason not to go to work. He loved his job, but he worked so much, and never got to see as much of the twins as Sherlock did. And somebody had to make money, though they hardly needed it, but Sherlock didn't take money for his job anyway, so John made up for it. When he finished his breakfast he set his dishes in the sink and made his way back to the bedroom. He came up to Sherlock's side, he sat on the edge and leaned down to lightly kiss his lips, knowing the other would have a bit of a sulk if he didn't and he wanted to, still unsure about Sherlock's wakefulness.

Sherlock kissed back, grateful that John had not forgotten. He missed the days when he and John could sit there cuddling and snogging for hours, but with Hamish and Emmalyn, their lives revolved around the children. Really though, Sherlock wouldn't have it any other way. He didn't pull back from John, and just kept going with the kiss, even though he knew that John would have to go to work eventually.

John let them both indulge and continued to kiss Sherlock leisurely, wanting to be able to take in as much about it as he could. They hadn't been able to kiss like this in a while, and he planned to enjoy it while he could. Sherlock was still warm with sleep and his lips were pliant from being relaxed. Reluctantly he pulled away and leaned his forehead on top of Sherlock's. "I have to go to work Sherlock," he said before pressing a soft peck to the other's lips, not wanting to leave just yet.

Sherlock sighed but understood the necessity for John to leave. "Be a good doctor today," he said just as Emmalyn started to make noises of waking up.

John hummed in agreement and lifted a hand to Emmalyn's face, stroking a thumb alongside her cheek softly. "I will be, and you be a good Papa. Make sure they get kisses from me today," he requested when he looked back to Sherlock and stood.

"Don't worry, Love, I will," Sherlock said as he gave him one last kiss. Then he picked up Emmalyn before she started to fuss too much. "I love you," he said to John as he walked out the door.

"I love you too, Sherlock," John said as he grabbed his coat. He walked out the door and down the steps of 221B. He got to the street and hailed a cab and when a cab finally stopped for him, he was off to the surgery. He was in for a long day, not being able to see his family, but he kept thinking of when he would get home, and that kept him through the day.

Sherlock got up with Emmalyn in his arms and set a pillow on the other side of Hamish so he wouldn't roll off. He then went to the kitchen to get two bottles ready for the twins. He set Emmalyn in her high chair before he got started and put a toy on the tray. She played with it while he finished making the bottles. He then got Emmalyn out of her chair and sat with her on the couch, feeding her. Hopefully she would finish before her brother woke up. When she did finish, he burped her and let her lay on her belly on the floor to play with some toys. About five minutes later, Hamish woke up and Sherlock went to get him and feed him. When Hamish was fed and burped he set him on the floor with his sister and he sat back to watch them. They got along so well, they may have only been six months old, but he had always worried that they would end up like Mycroft and himself or John and Harry, but the two adored one another. They were fine alone, but they prefered each other's company. The two were just starting to get the hang of crawling and could make it around the room with few to no difficulties. Hamish had crawled over to where Sherlock was sitting and and had pulled himself up to stand, "Hey Mish! You did it!" Hamish just smiled up at him and looking forever like the happiest boy in the world that he had been able to pull himself up. Sherlock looked at Hamish's big smile and saw a new tooth coming in, in addition to the other two he already had. He smiled, later he would have to put that in the records he was keeping. Hamish looked up at his papa a little confused. Sherlock saw it as the question, 'Now what?' so he picked him up and stood him on his lap. "There, better?" Sherlock smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Hamish giggled and reached out for his papa. "Mish you should play with Emmalyn don't you think?" Hamish got excited again and Sherlock set him back down on the floor. Emmalyn then tried to do the same as her brother, but ended up falling back down. She started to sniffle and reach towards her papa. Sherlock picked her up gently, "You're alright, Princess. You're alright," He combed his fingers lightly through her thick hair and she settled down and smiled up at him slightly. "Emmalyn Avery Watson-Holmes, you will break hearts with that gorgeous smile," Sherlock kissed her atop the head and set her back on the floor with her brother. "And you, Hamish Ethan Watson-Holmes will protect her from the ones that break hers yes?" Hamish just smiled at his papa and went back to playing with his stuffed otter. Emmalyn went over to grab her stuffed hedgehog and went over to Hamish. Sherlock smiled and sighed, he went to go grab his phone and took a picture of them to send to John. Hamish just pulled himself up for the first time, but he got bored quickly so I couldn't get a picture, but here they are playing with their toys. Perfect don't you think? SWH

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