Over the past five or so years I've realized what could come of people knowing that I, Silco's child, openly roam the streets of The Lanes almost every single day. They would be absolutely terrified of me and I don't really want people scouring away from me in fear when I'm only trying to get some new equipment or clothes. Thus comes the (sort of) disguise; the hood that covers my hair and ears, and the sleeves that hide the tattoos that glimmer when they meet the light. It's just discrete enough that nobody would suspect I'm doing anything suspicious because I'm not, but also covers any tell-tale signs of my identity.

The rarity of elf breeds being anywhere that's not prissy and flooded with riches is part of the reason why I like to spend my time alone. I don't want to be taken as a misplaced Pilty while in actuality this slump is my home. I don't want it to affect the way people see me, which is also why I have taken to remaining completely out of the public eye. Keeping my ears and tattoos hidden is enough in the pawnshop.

As I walk into Benzo's I'm immediately greeted by Benzo himself, who recognizes me from the many many times I've been here. "How are you doing Lottie? Anything specific that you're looking for this time around?"

I smile politely, "Hey Benzo. I'm doing well, thanks. And yes, actually; I was hoping you'd have a carburetor in decent condition that I can use for this project I'm working on."

"Well, you're in luck. Ekko brought one in just today. Made sure to label it for me and everything, seeing as I don't know much about that stuff, he thought it would be helpful. It's in the back, I'll go grab it for you real quick."

He slips out the door behind him in search of the carburetor and I jump into action. I slip around the counter quickly and locate the golden cylinder right where I knew it would be, call it intuition, or call it seeing it through the mirror on the wall behind the counter. I make haste in slipping the pre-written note inside and pushing the button on the side that will sent the note to the other cylinder wherever it may be, before sliding the object into my backpack so I'll get the response when it's sent in.

By the time Banzo returns I'm casually walking over to the shelves lined with miscellaneous items others have pawned off.

When Benzo stops back behind the counter he sets the chunk of steal down on the counter, allowing me to inspect it to make sure it's to my standards.

"What are you planning to do with this doohickey? I assume you've got something special lined up for it?"

"Sure do. I'm going to try using it for a motorcycle I'm building. I know carburetors are usually used in cars nowadays since it's better for facilitating internal combustion inside an internal combustion engine that is only found in high performance transmission vehicles, namely cars, but I think I can figure out a way to make it work for what I'm doing."

"That's a lot of big words that I don't understand a lick of, but I wish you the best. If you have any problems with the motorcycle thingy, I'm sure Ekko would be happy to lend a hand."

I laugh, knowing little guy would most likely be elated to work on a project with me again, and I'm not being arrogant by saying that, I just know that he gets overexcited when working on something like this with someone who understands the full mechanics of it.

"I'd be happy to come by sometime soon and spend some more time with him. I feel like I haven't hung out with the booger in forever."

"I'll hold you to it, Vander's sick of me sticking Ekko with him when I have to talk with high-value customers."

He calculates how much it'll cost and I give him the necessary coins to pay, making sure to give him a tip, then head over to where I know Ekko is to say hey before finally leaving the shop. Ekko was happy to see me at Benzo's again and expressed his curiosity regarding my current project by making me promise to come by again soon with details on how the carburetor worked.

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