Silent Night

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  After the ball was over Tyler, Charlotte, and I changed our clothes and went out to a club. Of course the two of them were all over each other. I totally called that by the way. They're cute together though. I never thought about the two of them together in that way but it works. They're both crazy enough to give the other one a run for their money.

  Tired of being the third wheel I say, "Hey I'm going to go."

  Lo grabs my hand. "Noooo. Stay. We're having fun."

  "Yeah. Stay! The night is just really getting started." Tyler adds.

  I shake my head. "I'm tired. I'm just going to go. You two have fun."

  "No way. You're not walking by yourself." Charlotte adds.

  "We're not that far from my moms' house. I'll be fine." I add. "I'm a New Yorker now. I'm tough!"

  Tyler scoffs. "You nearly cry every time we get on the subway."

  Charlotte erupts into laughter. "Exactly. No. Come on."

  "I'm serious. I'll call a car. It's not a big deal. You both have my location. I'll text when I get in. I love you." I kiss Charlotte on the cheek. "I love you." I kiss Tyler. "Have fun."

  "Bitch if I don't get a text in 12 minutes I'm calling the cops." Charlotte says.

  "Fuck that. I'm calling Raphy." Tyler says.

  I roll my eyes and leave the two love birds inside. I take a deep breath of the fresh air. The sound from the music inside is audible but muted out on the sidewalk. Truthfully it is a little early to leave a good party like this one but I haven't been able to get outside of my head since I saw Sydney with her fiancé.

  I thought I would be okay seeing her and at first I was but then... It just happened so fast. I was there and I was confident. I felt strong and sure of myself and what I wanted or didn't want until Eli made himself known. Then suddenly I was 16 years old again watching Sydney walk away from me hand in hand with Fredrick. That same lump in my throat. That same brick in my stomach. The same dread and helplessness clawing away at me.

  I look in my purse for the joint Charlotte rolled for us earlier. Maybe it will help calm me just a little. I put it between my lips. Before I can search for a lighter, a flame flickers in front of my face.

  "Light?" The voice asks.

  I look up and see a set of brown eyes the color of chestnuts. They're deep and kind.

  "Yes." I lean into her flame until the joint is lit. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome." Her voice is deeper than I expected. "Going inside?"

  I exhale away from her face. "Leaving actually."

  "Sucks for me." She holds out her hand asking for my spliff. I give it to her and she smiles. An absolutely stunning smile. The braids in her hair remind me of aunt Jewel and I smile back at her.

  "Next time."

  She takes another hit, holds the smoke for a moment before releasing, and hands it back to me. A small laugh bubbles out of her. "Yeah. Next time."

  "Bye." I watch her walk away and appreciate the view a little longer than what could be called respectful.

  I stand here for a while longer. Smoking. Thinking. Finally I put the joint out and pull out my phone. I know I told them I would call a car but seriously? It's like a ten minute walk if I walk fast. I'll be fine. Getting an Uber would be irresponsible honestly. Killing the planet even more for nothing. I've got this. I've walked further in New York at night. Granted I wasn't alone but I grew up here. It's fine. It's not like we're in a bad part of town at all.

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