I'll Be Home For Christmas

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  "Goodbye, ladies. Thanks for the wonderful night." Meghan said as she walked them to the door of her apartment. She checked the Uber app on her phone. "Your cars are downstairs."

  Beck and Courtney smiled at their host and thanked her again for all the fun.

  "Call me some time." Courtney took her business card out of her purse and handed it to Meghan. "Any time."

  Meghan smirked and let her eyes blatantly wander up and down the woman's curves. "I think I will."

  They embraced once more, shared a simple kiss and Meghan watched as they walked down the hall and to the elevator. She closed the door to her apartment just as a hand started to push it back open. She rolled her eyes.

  "Raphael." She groaned.

  He stepped inside the apartment and took a look around. "You let those two stick around longer than the others."

  "What can I say. They're nice girls." Meghan laughed and leaned against her kitchen counter. "Very nice."

  Raphael rolled his eyes. "I'm sure."

"Want some coffee?" Meghan asked. "I even have the creamer that you love."

"Nah we don't really have the time."

Meghan froze in her tracks. "Time? We're late for something?"

"Jesus Christ. Too busy with your head between thighs to look at your schedule from time to time? I swear it's like I have to play body guard and personal assistant with you." Raphael complained. He kept talking but Meghan ignored him while she scrolled through the reminders and calendar of her phone.

"Of fuck. My flight leaves in, like, an hour."

"Yeah, Einstein. Congratulations. You win the grand prize. Get your bags and let's go."

"My bags aren't packed!" I didn't realize my trip back home was this weekend. And perfect. FaceTime call from mama C. Shit. "Stall." I say tossing him my phone.

"What?" He asks. "Hello?"

"Raphael! Hi, sweetie."

  I leave them alone to talk while I haphazardly toss random clothes and shoes into a suitcase. Hopefully I grabbed a few things that actually go together. I'll buy some other essentials when I land, but of course I grabbed my favorite camera. Not to mention I'm staying with moms. They're bound to have whatever else I'll need.

When I get back to the living room I hear Mama C going on about making Raphy one of his favorite casseroles when we get there. He swears he's their long lost son. Fair enough since they treat him as if one of them birthed him.

  "Here she is." Raphael says as he hands me my phone.

  "Hi, mama." I try not to look as flustered as I feel. Raphael opens my apartment door and silently waves me out.

  "Let's go." He mouths.

  "Hi, pretty girl. Your moms and I just wanted to make sure you were on your way and didn't forget your flight."

  "Psh. What? No. Of course not. I had an early night. A good breakfast and I'm so ready for this six hour flight."

  Mama C's normally pleasant face falls flat. "You look exactly like Emma when she's lying too."

  I give her my most charming smile.

  "Ooo. Busted!" I hear a deep, almost startling voice, shout in the background. Then Maddox appears on the screen behind mama. Of course he's eating something. Mm. Looks like one of Mommy's homemade muffins. I'd kill for one of those right now.

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