Nothing But Your T-shirt

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There's a repetitive sound somewhere close to my ear that disrupts my sleep. When my eyes open I see its Tyler snapping their fingers in my face. I groan and realize it's probably an embarrassingly late time to just be waking up, but I feel like I should be cut some slack. After all I did get home at the ass crack of dawn.

"Umm... Megs, love you girl but it's getting late. Get up. No one told you to be out clapping cheeks all night." Tyler says and I can tell without looking that they're smiling as brightly as the sun at their own joke.

"Ty. Please." I mumble.

"Your moms made breakfast."

I sit up a little. That does sound good. I'm starving. "What did they make?"

"Sausage, eggs, the fluffiest pancakes I've ever had in my life, fruit, there were bagels and cream cheese. Coffee. Freshly squeezed juice. I felt like I was at a buffet!" Tyler says excitedly.

"Oh good. I could eat all of that right now."

They shrug. "It's all gone now. We even had lunch."

"So why would you tell me about it?" I ask grumpily.

"To rub your nose in it. Now wake up and tell me all about your daaaatee." Tyler shakes me vigorously until I push them away.

  "Okay. Okay. Just stop with the shaking."

  They hold their hands up in mock surrender with a mischievous grin on their face.

  "She was nice. The date was good. We went back to her place for a nightcap. Somewhere along the line I fell asleep and Raphael bought me home." I shrug. "The end."

  "Bitch. More details. Was she good in bed? Is she a top or a bottom. Was she a bondage freak?"

  "Hey! People that like bondage aren't freaks."

  They give me a long curious stare. "Is that right?"

  I roll my eyes. "Anyway..."

Tyler laughs. "So tell me, did she have you swinging from the light fixtures?"

  "Maybe. Maybe not. I'm a lady, Tyler. I don't kiss and tell."

  Tyler gets ridiculously close to me and shimmies their shoulders. "So that's a yes. Mmm. Nice."

  "Where's grandad?" I ask. I almost forgot about him. I haven't seen him since Tyler arrived.

"Outside. I'm so afraid he's going to pee on something expensive. I'm taking him to a kennel club later."

  I laugh imagining my neat freak Mommy witnessing anyone or anything peeing on her furniture or rugs. She'd go nuts. "Maybe that's a good idea."

  Tyler leaves me alone long enough for me to get dressed and brush my teeth. To my surprise my entire family and a couple of straglers are downstairs when I get there. Of course Tyler is tucked in snuggly between my Mamas eating something surely one of my moms made for them.

  "That's not a word!" Shelby says to Tyler. The two of them seem to be locked into a very intense game of scrabble.

  "Girl. Yes it is." They insist.

  "Are you challenging them, Shelby? You'll lose a turn if you're wrong." Mama E says.

  Mama C spots me at the bottom of the steps and smiles at me. "Hi, sweetie. How was your nap?"

  At once everyone turns to look at me. If it wasn't my family, Tyler, Charlotte, and Shelby I would probably feel sick from all the sudden attention but I'm pretty comfy around these people.

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