Harvey 🍄 The Owl House

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i. basic information

full name: Harvey Jones

Nicknames: Harv (very rarely)

⭐️species: Witch

⭐️birthday: June 15th

⭐️zodiac: Gemini

age: 13

gender: Male

⭐️pronouns: He/Him/His

sexuality: Homosexual (Gay)

⭐️relationship status: Single

romantic interest: Gus

back-up romantic interest: TBD

ii. fandom details


wild witch/coven/student: Student

⭐️palismen: Ferret named Fran

⭐️abilities: Basic spell casting and more so advanced bard magic

school: Hexside

track(s): Bard Track
> uses a flute with a wooden head, or an ocarina. Out of the two uses the ocarina the most.

iii. physical appearance

description: Pale skin, teal eyes, brown fluffy hair that's mostly towards one side.

height: 5'6

⭐️scars: (TW?) A few scars on his wrists from a year-ish ago

iv. personality traits

traits: ambitious, creative, cool-headed, loyal, protective, empathetic, easy-going, supportive

likes: Music, though he plays the flute & ocarina he loves other instruments (especially the trumpet), the outdoors, being decently active,

dislikes: unreasonably rude people, the idea that everyone 'has' to be in a coven (he thinks people should have more of a choice, and doesn't believe wild witches are bad), those who hurt his friends

⭐️hobbies: playing instruments, doodling, making his own music (mostly in secret)

⭐️habits: he fidgets with his sleeves, and taps certain music patterns onto almost any surface

v. relationships

father(s): Xavir Jones

mother(s): Carol Jones

sibling(s): Rosie (Younger sister) & Kailee (Younger sister) *Rosie and Kailee are twins

⭐️pet(s): technically his palisem

⭐️friend(s): Skara, Bo, Boscha (previously), Amity (still unsure with), and Willow (who introduces him to Gus and Luz when she comes in)

vi. background information

⭐️trigger warnings: (TW?) any reminisce of self harm scars, it makes him think about his own (though it was mostly unintentional) and it causes him to zone out and overthink.

backstory: (TW: mentions of slight depression (it's not as bad as someone with actual depression, I just don't know how to warn it. It's more like feeling like such a failure that you want to fall into a hole in the ground)/small unintentional self harm) Harvey was pretty active and curious when he was a baby, growing up he kept mostly the same traited. He gained interest in the bard track early in his life upon seeing Raine as a member of the Bard Coven. Harvey looked up to them and was hooked on the idea of playing music. His parents got him his first Ocarina, which didn't play great but Tiny Harvey was unaware, he still has it as a nice memory. It was surprisingly early in his life when he started to question himself and his sexuality. He was quick to come to terms with himself when he figured it out, but his mind was quick to jump to conclusions. His parents were very supportive of everything he did, and he was scared to ruin what he deemed as a 'perfect child' for his family. He felt terrible whenever he did mildly bad on something related to school, or even a random event. It became a running track for at least a year (12-early 13) of putting himself down after he did something he thought would disappoint his parents. Eventually in some moments he would become too stressed with the idea of disappointing his parents in possibly more ways than one. During moments when he was overly stressed he made a habit of furiously scratching at his arms/wrists which would sometimes open a cut. He wasn't aware he was hurting himself until he noticed his nails were a little too long and managed to cut deeper lines more than once. He took care of it himself and a month or so after his 13th birthday he told his parents and came out to them. They accepted him and though they were worried about him he actively goes to therapy every other week. He keeps it mostly to himself other than Skara who is somewhat of a best friend to him. The cuts scared over, and though they are faint and hard to see far away, Harvey often finds himself zoned out running his fingers over them and is reminded about the worst moments of his life. Luckily nothing ever became progressively worse or extremely worrying, and he managed to heal and is quite happy with where he is right now in life. During this time he was also friends with the entirety of Boscha's group, but once he noticed how horrible they would treat some students (including Willow) he distanced himself before breaking it off. He kept close with Skara and Bo, and he decided to make friends with Willow and apologize for never really stepping in. Him and Willow interact more and she introduces him to Gus, as well as Luz when she joins their little party.

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