It Was You

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"There's this boy. He's great. And I really like him. But I'm scared." Sophie admitted. 

"That's how I feel about the girl I like." Keefe laughed. "Coincidence?" 

"I guess so." she answered, laughing along with him when all she wanted to do was cry. Keefe liked a girl? Who was it? And why couldn't it have been her?  


The second Sophie was alone, she buried herself under a mountain of blankets and let the tears she had been holding back come. She'd been trying to tell Keefe she'd liked him, but then he told her that he liked someone else. And it hurt. Bad. And the only person she trusted enough to tell about her pain was the person that caused her that same pain. So she was forced to wallow alone, drowning in her sorrow. 


"Hey, Foster!" Keefe called, walking towards her from the leapmaster at Havenfield.

"Hey, Keefe." she sniffled. It had been 24 hours since they'd talked and Sophie had only just stopped cry. But seeing Keefe in front of her only made her want to break down in tears all over again. 

"Foster, you okay? Were you crying?" he asked, concerned. Sophie just held open her arms. Keefe took the hint and wrapped her in a hug. 

"Yesterday..." she managed before starting to cry. "Yesterday, the... the boy I... um... the boy I like told me... told me he likes... someone else." she said, inbetween sobs. 

"I'm so sorry, Sophie." Keefe said, hugging her tighter. He paused ebfore saying "It was Fitz, right?" 

Sophie shook her head and Keefe pulled back a bit to look her in the eyes. 

"Then who was it?" 

Sophie laughed bitterly. 

"You really don't know?" she asked. Keefe shook his head. "Who was the only boy I talked to yesterday?" she said quietly. 

"Me, but... but you must've talked to someone else yesterday... right?" Keefe asked, his eyes widening. Sophie softly shook her head. 

"Just you. It was you. The boy was you." she whispered before burying her face in his shoulder. "I just... I want one last hug. Then we can forget this ever happened." Sophie said quietly. Keefe nodded before pulling her into a tight embrace.

Seconds passed before Sophie spoke up again. 

"I never meant to fall in love with you, you know. It was never my plan. But I guess no one really plans to fall in love with someone, do they?" she paused to chuckle sadly again. "I'll never regret it though. You're the best elf I could've fallen for and I'm glad I got to experience loving you, even if you didn't love me back." she finished before falling silent.

Sophie pulled away a couple mintues later, reaching up to swipe the tears out of her eyes. She smiled sadly up at Keefe before turning away and walking towards the house. 

"Wait, Foster!" he called after her, running up to her side and grabbing her arm. 

"Please." she whispered. "Please don't make this harder than it has to be." 

"Who says I'm trying to make it harder?" Keefe murmured before pulling her closer and crashing his lips onto Sophie's. 

Sophie froze before kissing him back, her eyes falling closed. She brought her hands up to both sides of his face and he wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closer. 

They both soon pulled away, breathing heavily. 

"Why'd you kiss me? What about the girl you like?" Sophie asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. 

"It was you." he laughed. Sophie's eyebrows shot up. It was her? All that heartbreak and it was her?!

"You mushroom!" she exclaimed, slapping his chest. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"The same reason you didn't tell me!" Keefe defended. Sophie tried to glare at him but utterly failed once she saw his loving gaze. She huffed and turned away.

"I'm sorry, Foster." he said, his voice turning serious. "I thought you still liked Fitzy, so I didn't tell you. And I'm so sorry I caused you all that pain." he said, whispering the last part. 

Sophie's expression softened and she opened her arms again. Keefe fell into them, pulling her close. 

"I love you, Sophie." 

"I love you too, Keefe." 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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