Chapter 24: Back to the city!

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After finishing their vacation together both Korra and Troy headed back towards the spirit portal in the south pole to head back into the spirit world and take the other portal back to Republic City. And once they were near the portal that leads back home to the city, both the Avatar and the Atlantean while holding hands went through the portal and appeared back in the city.

 And once they were near the portal that leads back home to the city, both the Avatar and the Atlantean while holding hands went through the portal and appeared back in the city

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Korra: feels good to be back home.

Troy: You said it, that was by far the greatest vacation I ever had especially spending it with you my love.

Korra: Me too Troy even when.....


Troy: What the hell?

Korra: And the moment is over.

Both Troy and Korra looked towards to see the air benders who were guarding the entrees to the spirit portal while a man was trying to get them out of his way with while they also looked to see some construction workers behind the man speaking to Jinora who was in front of the man.


Jinora: You can keep counting but we're not going anywhere!

Kai: Yeah!

Opal: You tell him Jinora!

Troy: Looks like trouble again.(Troy saids in thought)

Listen, young lady you and your air associates need to go back to your island this is now my property!

Jinora: This land is sacred now! It belongs to the spirits.

Korra: Looks like we have more trouble to deal with Troy.

Troy: Looks that way water angel, and who gives that man the right to know what does and doesn't belong to him.

Both Korra and Troy walked over to see what the problem was and that is when Jinora spotted the two heading towards her and the air benders.

Jinora: Korra, Troy, you're back!

Troy: Jinora what is Neptune's beard in going on here?

Jinora: We were having quiet meditation session around the portal when this guy showed up yelling at us to leave.

Korra: Who is he?

Wonyong Keum is my name, pleased to meet your acquaintance Avatar Korra as well as you Sea Guardian.

Troy: What brings you here sir?(Troy saids while crossing his arms and not liking the guy in front of him and Korra)

Wonyong: Yes well anyway Avatar Korra if you would be so kind as to escort these interlopers off my new land.

Troy and Korra: Your new land?

Jinora: Guys don't listen to him. He is trying to turn this whole area into an amusement park! He wants to build a road drive truckloads of tourists into the spirit world!

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