He kneed me in the stomach once more, causing my legs to shake and drop. He pressed firmly against my throat, making it harder and harder to breathe. My breaths were hitching as the painful feeling was getting more difficult to bear. My vision started to get more blurry however if it wasn't for Leigh, who slammed into Carver, I probably would've passed out.

Leigh slammed into Carver, pushing him off me and making the bar clatter on the floor. He repeatedly punched Carver in the face, getting all his fury out. Although it wasn't a match for Carver, as he pushed and kicked Leigh off with ease, knocking him in his wound, which shot painful shocks up his body.

I coughed as my hand reached for my throat for a second, before lowering down and grabbing the bar. I stood up and raised the bar, whacking it on Carver's back. He bent over slightly and spun around within a rage. I went to hit him again, but he caught my wrist and then twisted it. I seethed and dropped the bar despite my efforts not to.

He then headbutted me, sending my head backwards to the wall for it to smack it harshly. Carver took out his knife and pressed it against my neck, making me quickly take a breath as he travelled down to my chest, all whilst licking his lips. It was as if he was trying to taunt me. I tasted blood on my lip and felt some blood on the back of my head.

"Hey!" I heard Negan yell. "Over here shitdick." He was holding some sort of bell in his hand as he walked closer.

Carver tilted his head and stepped away from me, "This should be fun."

Elijah quickly shot up to throw his blade at Carver, but he somehow dodged it. Negan used the distraction to throw something in Carver's eyes, blinding him slightly. The bell then smashed around his head, making a dinging sound as he hit the floor. 

"Well, ding-ding." Negan muttered before looking at Elijah, who was also in pain as Carver previously kicked his injured leg. "Thanks, kid."

I caught my breath once more before using the wall to push myself up. I brushed my hair off my sweaty face, taking a deep breath before going over to Leigh so I could help him up. Whilst Maggie went over to Carver, probably to kill him whilst he was a bit dazed, I took a few supplies that were left over from Elijah to help with Leigh's stab wound.

I carefully wiped away the blood surrounding the wound, trying my best not to hurt him anymore as he started to wince. His skin had gone pale, however he managed to occasionally flutter his eyes open to stay awake. The bandage eventually got securely wrapped around him after his muffled groans.

"Stop!" A familiar voice yelled, making me spin my head in the direction where  I saw my dad approaching. Maggie was just about to kill Carver, although with the look on my dad's face told her no.

Carver groaned and looked up, glaring at him. "Should've took you both out right off. "

My dad hit him with the end of his knife, knocking him out for a moment. "We don't kill him yet."

"We can't exactly keep him alive." I furrowed my brows.

"He needs to pay for what he did!" Elijah yelled.

"I agree. But if we go down that route... we ain't all gonna make it out alive." Dad replied, "No offense. I hate this prick. But we got him now. Let's use him. Get what we want and go home."

I shrugged, sort of understanding what he was saying, however I still hated that we were even thinking about this in the first place. Did he not just try to kill us all?

"Are you doin' this for her?" Maggie questioned, hinting to Leah.

"No. No, I'm not. I'm doin' it for us." He replied, briefly looking up at me. "Leah wants us gone, but not more than savin' her own family. Especially this asshоlе."

 "This can go wrong 800 different ways." Negan spoke up from the floor, our heads shooting towards him. "Me...I am down with us getting out of this alive." 

"No!" Elijah yelled.

"Elijah..." Maggie began. 

"You're just gonna let him walk away?" He shot back.

Leigh sighed before speaking, "If we let these guys get away then they'll come back for us. I know these pricks."

"They will get what's coming to them." Maggie breathed out, "Maybe not today, but they will. I promise."

Dad took Carver's weapons and his radio, bringing it up to speak through it. "Leah, it's me. We need to talk."


began reading such lovely commends about this series lately and its given me such good motivation so thank you readers!!

please don't rush though, I appreciate everyone who reads this but I just need time! It's mock exam season so updates won't be speedy :)

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