Day 3:3//L//

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I grab my keys and head out to my car. Luckily my mum wasn't here to ask me where I was going. As soon as I got in the car I pull out my phone and googled Tobi's address, It was only a 3 minute drive. While driving all I could think about is how much a bad idea this is, I'm going to a stranger's house that I never met or even seen, But I just ignored these bad thoughts, next thing I know I'm at Tobi's, I got out the car and walked up to door. "please say this goes right" I whisper before knocking on the door. A young black woman comes to door, looking no more than her early twenties. "Hey baby do you need something" I hear the woman say. " Hi I'm looking for your brother Tobi" I knew that was his mom but I wanted to get in her good graces. " Oh thank you but I'm Tobi's mother, come in he will be down in a sec". I come in the house standing by the door until Tobi comes out. "TOBI, YOUR FRIENDS HERE" I hear his mother yell up the stairs, "COMING MA" I hear coming from upstairs, Moments later I see a chocolate colored boy come down the stairs. This can't be the Tobi I was just on the phone with. "Come on Ethan" The chocolate colored boy says while walking away. I follow Tobi to what I assume is his room, after we both walk in he close the door then suddenly starts crying. I run up to him and pull him into a hug. "Its going to be okay, I'm here now" I say to the boy that's now crying into my shoulder. I notice his bed in the corner, so I picked up Tobi and laid him down on the bed then get on it myself, pulling him onto my body and holding the boy. After about 20 minutes of Tobi crying into my arms I look down to see the boy sleeping. He looks at peace when he's sleeping, with his almost silent snore's, It was cute. After watching the cute sleep I think its my time to go. As I start getting off the bed I feel a force start pulling me back in the bed, I turn around and its Tobi. " Please don't go" I hear from the boy, his voice sounding almost scared. " Where will I sleep" I ask Tobi. " In the bed with me, please" I was going to say no but when I looked at the boy I couldn't say it, It was like if I left he would fall apart so I gave in. After I took my shoes off and got into the bed Tobi started cuddling into me, using my body as a pillow. Once he went back to sleep I admired his features again, god he was so cute. I looked at him one last time before going to sleep intertwined with my new friend.