Day 2:2//I//

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I grab my wallet, put on my hoodie and head outside. What should I eat? McDonalds, Burger king, or Nando's, probably Nando's. I pull out my phone to order an uber while walking towards the elevator. Bang! I bumped into someone. I look up    to see a cinnamon colored boy on the floor. " I'm so sorry I should have been looking where I was going" I say while helping him up from the ground. " your fine I should have been looking to" he says. " harry" I say while holding out my hand. " Vik" the cinnamon colored boy said while shaking my hand. He's kind of cute. Once we walked in he pressed bottom elevator button. Vik look's about my age, maybe he can be my friend, or maybe more. Me and Vik just had small talk while in the elevator, talking about our age, what school we go to. Turns out were the same age and go to the same school. We don't have any classes together this semester, But next semester we practically have the same schedule." Hey, I know this is random but I was just ordering a uber to Nando's and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me". "Get in a car with a dodgy stranger, I'm good" he said. " um- never mind then" I say sullenly. " I'm joking, you look nice, I got my mums car for the month I can take us" he said while laughing. " Ok" I say smiling. Once we got out the elevator we walked to Vik's mums car. Basically the entire car ride we just got to know each other. I caught myself staring at him most of the ride. I promise I think I saw him looking at me too. I hope I made a good impression with him. I don't know why but I feel connected to him even though we just met. Once we arrived to Nando's I rushed out the car and went to open Vik's door for him. " Why thank you my esteemed gentlemen" Vik joked as he got out the car. We walked into Nando's and got a table for two. When the waiter came to take our order, I stared at Vik mesmerized, I didn't think anyone could be so perfect, a beautiful face , enchanting laugh, and a smile that can light up the world. " Harry, HARRY!" I was disturbed from my gaze by Vik's voice." Yes Vik". " What do you want?". " Uhh- a chicken wrap with no lettuce and pita bread please"." will that be all". "yes ma'am" Me and Vik said at the same time. The waiter stared looking at us weird. After the waiter left we just erupted with laughter, we didn't know what was so funny it just was, Then I caught myself staring at Vik again. " Harry, you ok that's the 4th time you stared at me. Do I have something in my teeth" Vik says as he pull out his phone to look in the camera. " No, your just mesmerizing, Like you have a wonderful smile, enchanting laugh, and a cute face" I say shyly while playing with my fingers". I look up and see Vik's blushing, God I'm falling for a boy I just met like a couple hours ago. "Thanks, But your way cuter and I love your floppy blonde hair and your  adorable smile" Vik says quietly . I started blushing and smiling so much I had to hide my face. " Why are you hiding that beautiful face of yours" Vik says. "Stop your making me blush" I say embarrassingly. " Your cute when you blush". Me and Vik just went on and on, complementing each other, making each other smile and blush. One of the best moment's in my life. In the middle of my complement this old lady came up to us and said " Sorry to bother you I just wanted to say your a beautiful couple". Me and Vik look at each other and started blushing. " Thank you" I said to the lady as she walked away." Why didn't you say anything" Vik asked. " Because I wouldn't mind being a couple with you". Vik started blushing even more and I couldn't help but smile at the boy in front of me. We stayed silent during the meal, a comforting silence, smiling at each other when our gazes met, it was great. After we were done we called the waiter over to get the bill. The waiter came and placed down the bill then went to help the next table. Vik started reaching for the bill but I grabbed it before he could get it. "My treat" I say to the cinnamon colored boy. " Are you sure?". "Yeah, I invited you and plus you drove us here".  I payed the bill and left a 20 dollar tip and ran to the car to open the door for Vik. The entire car ride we sat in comfortable silence, I couldn't help staring at him. Once we arrived back at the halo towers we got on the elevator and got off at our floor. 'Harry let me see your phone" Vik says holding his hand out.  "Ok" I said while handing it to him. "Text me" the cinnamon boy said walking away after giving me my phone. Once I get into my flat I see my mum sitting on the couch. " where were you" I hear my mom say. " I went to go get food with a friend". "Which friend". " Amanda". I didn't tell my mum about Vik or how he made feel because my mom and dad are homophobic. I went to my room before my mom could could ask more questions. After I closed the door I jumped on the bed and opened my phone to see a new contact.

