Chapter 15: You Like Me?

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Hwa's POV:

With the soft background music of his store, he concentrated on making a bouquet for the next customer when suddenly the bell on the door chimed.

The customer isn't supposed to come in another hour.

But his thought was disturbed when a familiar voice was heard, making him swallow hard.

"Hello, Seonghwa hyung." The person said in a rather odd voice, like something was up his sleeves.

Hwa sighed deeply before looking up at the person in the eye. "San ssi, is there something I can help you with? If not, I suggest you leave."

"I came here to see you, of course." San said to Woo with an overly sweet tone. "You left me at the park without saying anything."

"This isn't a good time, San. I'm working as you can see." Moving his hands showing the flowers on the counter in the process of getting wrapped up.

"I think it's a perfect time since no customers are here." Crossing his arms.

"Fine. What do you want?" Annoyance laced in Hwa's words.

"Are you mad at me? Or is it because I kissed you?" San pushed questions.

"Why are we talking about this? It's over so stop thinking about it. And no I'm not mad at you, I'm just frustrated." Tying a bow to the bundle of flowers.

"We have to talk about it sometime so let's get it over with it now. So you're frustrated with me?"

"No, not at you. I-I'm frustrated at myself. I don't know what I'm thinking or saying. This is why I don't want to talk about it right now."

San slowly walked closer to Hwa. Hwa was cautious, unsure what San's intention was. "What are you doing?"

He didn't respond, San stood a couple inches away, looked into his eyes and hugged

him. Hwa was confused but without his own knowledge, he hugged San back.

Pulling back, San took Hwa's hand, "Don't think too much. The more you think, the more confused you're going to be. Just let it happen. Whatever happens, let it happen."

Hwa swore he could feel San's body heat radiating off. Hwa flinched, feeling San's finger touching the corner of his lips. Closer and closer they became until San's lips touched his.

"So, do you like me?" San pulled away, leaving Hwa's face red.

Turning his head away was the only option to give just an inch of distance between them. "I never said I liked you so stop thinking ridiculous stuff."

With his pointer finger, he turned Hwa's chin so he could face him. "But you never said you didn't.

"You're saying ridiculous things again." Grabbing San's toned arms as an attempt to pull him off but was no use.

"Aww are you sure about that?" Sliding his hand behind Hwa's neck. Initiate a kiss. The two backed into the storage room, San's body pressed against his. Deepening the kiss.

San pulled away breathless, "you don't have to tell me. I know by your actions."

Hwa squeezes his eyes trying to calm down. This being the first time in this kind of situation.

They went on for some time until Hwa slowly pulled away to catch his breath. "You were the one preventing Woo from meeting me, weren't you?"

"You had another man in your mind when I was kissing you?" San pretended to sound offended even though he was a bit.

"Just answer the question." Hwa brushed his messy hair back.

"Yeah and I had a good reason too." San said in a matter -of -fact tone. "I was doing it for Woo's sake. I knew he needed space. He needed time to process and you didn't give it to him because at that time all you thought about was yourself. And I get it. But also I needed to find you."

"You broke up with Woo just because you found me?" Crossing his arms.

"Just like you don't know how you feel about me. I don't know how I feel about Woo right now."

"Then I'll take that as a yes then. You should go now."

"Hwa, I've liked you since high school. I didn't want to interfere with you and Woo."

"I said get out." Walking away, bumping into SAN's shoulder on the way out.

Hwa stormed into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. "God damn, I hate that man. I hate how he makes my mind go crazy." He puffed out a breath of air before looking up at the mirror. That was when he noticed something red on his neck. "No fucking way." It was a hickey...

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