Chapter 14: A Visit From a Unknown Face

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"Hi. Who are you? What do you need to talk to me about?" Woo asked cautiously, hands on his hips.

"My name is Hongjoong. I'm San's friend. I'm the one that sent the restaurant photo to you."

Upon hearing that, Woo's face went stone cold, anger started to rise in his stomach, forming his hand into a fist getting ready to punch him.

"Wait Wait Wait. Hold on. Chill for a second.I can explain." Joong slowly stepped back, arms in front of him, ready to defend himself.

"Tell me what the hell you're doing here otherwise get the fuck out of my complany." Woo growled.

"I'm friends with Hwa too." Joong said with the last resort to calm Woo down. Which it worked.

"What? How are you friends with both of them?" Relaxing his posture now knowing he knew Hwa as well.

"Very long story which I don't think I should be the one telling. They don't know I'm friends with them and it should stay that way for now."

"How did you know me even though you're friends with San? Why did you send me that photo?"

"This is exactly what I came to talk to you about. Basically, by knowing both of them, I came to know you without you knowing me. I was more of a supporting friend than a take action friend. But I couldn't just stand there anymore after I saw San with Hwa at the restaurant, so I took a picture and sent it to you. But I told my friend to keep it under the wraps, so it wouldn't come out to the media. One of my friends works in a celebrity media company so it was easy for him to do so."

"Wait a minute. Does that mean that it was you who told me to check my phone at the interview studio?"

"Yes. I was. I'm a stylist so my company had sent me to the interview studio to help out with styling idols who were going to have an interview that day."

"Does that mean you were the designer of my stage outfits?!" Woo exclaimed.

"Well, yes and no. I was only your stylist for this comeback. I'm not your daily stylist. I was technically there for a idol couple, Lee Minho and Han Jisung."

"Ohh I see. But how did you know I was here today then?"

"Oh that. Well you see I'm also friends with Yeonjun. He called me up after seeing you so distressed about the photo you saw on your phone and asked me to tell you the truth. He said he was afraid that you might do something bad to San. His words, not mine, so don't get angry at me."

"Right. Um Let me ask you something, Hongjoong ssi. How do you know Yeonjun and San? How do you know Seonghwa? Just how do you know all this? How much do you know? I know we all went to the same high school but I didn't know any of this."

Not knowing what to say, Joong went silent. "This is not for me to tell. When it comes time, San and Hwa will tell you their own story. Let's just say San knew you two were dating before." Joong said very cautiously.

"Oh I see. I guess Seonghwa never really told me about the people he talks to at school." Slowly nodding his head as his mind tries to wrap around it.

"I can't say anymore. Again I have no right to tell San's story and you shouldn't push San to tell you. Let them tell you when they're ready. Act like this never happened. You have to know and remember that San still loves you like he did when you two just met. Even though you may not see that right now, he still cares for you. I heard him cry himself to sleep the night you broke up with him. You don't need to say sorry to him.

Actually don't say any of this to him, I don't want any of them to know. I have to get going now." Joong stood there for a second before saying goodbye to Wooyoung.

This was too much for Wooyoung at that moment so he stood there, letting all that sink in. Eventually a tear escaped his eyes. Slowly you could hear him quietly cry to himself, alone in the office. He didn't know what or how to feel. After a while, he pulled himself together, and decided to do some dance practices.

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