Chapter 15-Jennette

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Chapter 15- Jennette

I clicked on the link that some random person sent me, of course it was spam. I was waiting for Dennis to text me back. "Hmm," I groaned, I sounded like Marge Simpson from The Simpsons, pocketing my phone. I leaned on the table, it was a slow day at work. I yawned. I should get out my sketchbook. Everything was done. Dennis's dinner party... his dad. Why was he so ornery? When he came back after the conversation with his dad, he was the same Playful Dennis. However, he kept giving this faraway look. After we left, it was silent. I wanted to make sure he was ok. The night of the party was tense. Dennis's dad was the fun guy I clinged to. He's changed, drastically. The smile I liked was replaced with a scowl.

I looked up to see Alejandro coming up to my desk. I perked up, pulling down the end of my shirt. "Alejandro. Hello. How are you?" I smiled. He's here again. I'm seeing him again. After the dinner, he kept his voice in hush hush when Dennis came around while talking to his father. And he seemed real close to his sister. His hands trailed her neck and arms while we ate.

"Jennette." He strided in closer, leaning his elbow against my desk. I laughed softly, feeling giddy and tingly when he came close. "I didn't know you knew the Sanatorios."

"I didn't know you knew them."

"Me and Dennis go way back in business. How do you know them?"

"My father. Family friend." I kept my answers short.

"Oh. We're running into each other a lot huh?"

"Seems so." I let out a soft haha and then cleared my throat.

Is this yours?" He pointed to my book.

"Oh. Yeah. I draw sometimes." I closed the cover, feeling shy.

"Wait." He opened it back, looking at my recent art. He tilted his head to the side, "is it someone you know?"

"It's a character. It came to me in a dream."

"You're talented. Really talented."

"Thank you." he flipped from page to page, he leaned in closer. He smelled heavenly, was it old spice? I leaned over, he was close enough. Cologne has a certain scent, it's intoxicating. I sniffed twice. His head snapped up, staring at me warmly. "Oh, "sorry. It's... you smell nice."

He smirked, "do you usually sniff people?"

"If they smell good. Not in a creepy way," I shrugged.

"I forgot to ask, how was the rest of the modeling shoot?" I noticed he left during the first hour.

"It was good, modeling is not in my near future but I understand why Talia loves it so much." I placed my scrapbook back in the drawer.

"Oh. A beautiful woman like you should have their picture taken all the time."

I squeezed my lips together, hiding my blush, "you're gonna give me a big head." He's gotta stop flirting but I didn't want him to."You're here to see Jeff, right?" I asked.

"Yes, is he in?"

"He is."

"Also, the man from the photoshoot. How do you know him?"

"What man?" I frowned. Was he talking about Dennis? Sam? Damon?

"The guy with the rough hair and five o'clock shadow."


"Yeah, him," I nodded, he frowned, breathing in and out. He seemed... off. Where was the flirty side?

"I barely know him. That was my second time meeting him."

"Right." He tapped his fingers twice, stepped away. I frowned again, watching him head to Joe's office, he knocked on his door three times. Hard.

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