Chapter 14- Dennis

Start from the beginning

"Right. Shit. I'll see ya." He rushed out of there like a criminal. I shook my head, taking the rest of the pictures. When it was over, I clicked on the pics which Amina could keep.

"How'd they come out?" Jennette asked, wrapping her arms around my pelvis.

"Good. I didn't think you'd be photogenic," I joked.

"Haha. Can I see?"

"Later," I turned over to her. She just changed out of her outfit.

"Please?" she pouted her full bottom lip. I can't resist, she was cute.

"It's up to Amina." I nodded behind her when she approached us.

"You are a prodigy, Dennis," Amina gushed, giving me two kisses on the cheek. "You must come to the release party."

"Release party?" I asked.

"Yes, it's gonna be a classy get together. You're all invited." She clapped three times. "You, you and Talia were beautiful." She held Jennette's cheeks.

"Thank you." Jennette muffled between her hands.

"Again, thank you so much." Amina walked off, to the suited guy Alejandro.

"Hey, how do you know that guy? I saw you talking to him earlier."

"Oh he came to my job. He knows my manager."

"And that Damon dude?"

"I met him at the party. He seems..."

"Creepy," he stated.

"Yes. Seriously creepy." She scoffed. At least I wasn't the only one. Tugging the end of her shirt, she looked left and right.

"Is he still here?"

"No, he left."

"Oh. Have you seen Talia?" she asked.

"No." I shook my head. She lifted her head up to the sky, groaning out loud.

"I'll be back." She stepped off, walking to the back of the room. My phone vibrated in my pocket. It was my dad. I have to talk to him sometime.

I opened and answered calmly, "hello?"

"Son?" Dad's voice was grating. My teeth started to grind.

"Hi, dad."

"Dennis. Where have you been for the past week?"

"Work?" I questioned, not knowing what else to say.

"Are you asking me or answering me?"

"Work." I packed my camera in the black briefcase diligently.

"Taking pictures is not work. That's stalking."

"I don't get paid to stalk. That's paparazzi." I shoved my notebook in my bag. Not this shit again. "I'm a professional for magazines. Models. You remember models, dad."

"Oh, so my son betrayed me to work for TMZ?"

"Dad, what do you want?" I changed the subject.

"Your mom's birthday is on Tuesday. What time are you coming?"

I pondered, pouting my lip out. I remembered, of course. I'm going. I bought something for her. I'm risking my mentality being pulled back to my parents treacherous web of manipulation.

"Um dad-"

"Is there something more important than family?" Besides being there to get criticized by my parents about why I should be more like my sister who took over the company.

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