'Yes all Lannister the Lions.' Olena agreed, 'and when a Tyrell farts it smells like a rose but how kind of see how clever does he have a good heart and gentle?' Olena asked

'I'm to be his wife I only want to know what he is like.' Margaery asked innocently.

'Tell us the truth no harm will come to you.' Olena agreed.

"Truth can get you killed." Jill remarked. "So can lies." she added. "What is one do to, lie and lose your head or speak the truth? Either way you are dead and your family suffers..." Jill told them and it was the first time in a long time Sansa saw a darkness, pure sadness sweep over Jill. Jill loved her siblings, but her father was closest friend after Jon. He doted on her and when he was killed Sansa had never seen Jill cry so much. But she slowly but surely turned that sadness and pain and loss into vengence but somehow she kept her smile and strength.

''My father always told the truth.' Sansa agreed

'Yes he had that reputation,' Olena told her 'and they named him traitor and took his head.'

'Joffrey,' she corrected. 'Joffrey did that he promised you'd be merciful and he cut my father's head off and then he said that was mercy then he took us up on the walls and made us look at it.'

"I should have finished it then and there." Jill said distantly, remembering the cat walk, the drop. She would have lost her head, Sansa as well though... she took a deep breath and it shuddered out of her chest with her exhale.

'Go on,' Margaery encouraged.

'I... I can't I never meant... My father is a traitor my brother as well I have traders blood please don't make me say anymore.' Sansa stammered as she whimpered into Jill.

'She's terrified grandmother just look at her.' Margaery noted

'Speak freely child we would never betray your confidence I swear it,' Olena told her and Sansa nodded

'He's a monster.' Jill told them confidently.

'Oh that's a pity.' Olenna agreed.

'Please don't stop the wedding.' Sansa begged.

'Have no fear the Lord oaf of high garden is determined that Margaery should be queen, but we thank you for the truth.'


'What is she doing here?' Tyrion asked

'You are late.' Tywin said

'Yes yes well you will be pleased to learn that after one conversation with the Tyrells I have saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this wedding.' Tyrion said happily.

'Never mind that we have something important to discuss.'

'A master of coin saving money is important. Stop that,' Tyrion turned his eyes to Cersei 'you're making me uncomfortable.'

'Your sister has learned that your new friends the tyrells are plotting to marry Sansa stark to ser Loras.' Tywin told him.

'Very well she's a lovely girl missing sort of Loras' favorite fits but I'm sure they'll make do.' Tyrion told them. 

'Your jokes are not appreciated' tywin informed him.

'Wasn't my best but I got-' Tyrion began but was cut off.

'I bring them into the Royal fold and this is how they repay me by trying to steal the key to the north out from under me.' tywin muttered.

'Sansa is the key to the north?' Tyrion asked 'I seem to remember she has an older brother.'

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now