Chapter 45

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  The ceremony had officially started now that I was on stage. Kellen and Amelia walked over and stood on the other side of the bowl that was on a pedestal in front of me. "Tonight we welcome Indigo River into our pack, do you as members promise to perfect her and up hold the laws we have placed?" he asks the whole crowed and they all yell yes alpha. He turns to me "indigo do you promise to up hold the laws we have placed and to protect this pack?" he asks me, "yes alpha" I tell him. He smiles at me and nods then places the microphone down because wolf hearing and all. He grabs the blade that was laying across the bowl and makes a long cut along his palm and lets some blood fall into the bowl. He then hands the blade to Amelia who does the same, Skye takes the blade from her "since her mates are here they will also cut there palms too" kellen announces. Skye and Theo both cut the palms and let blood fall into the bowl then Theo takes my hand while Skye cuts and small cut onto my palm making me wince in pain. He whispers sorry but I know I've been through worse so I hold my hand over the bowl and let the blood fall into it.
  Kellen holds up the bowl and takes a sip, yeah this is the part im not looking forward to. He passes the bowl around until in ends up at me, I take a deep breath then take the last sip before giving it back to Kellen. All a sudden I start hearing welcome to the pack from everyone in my head. I put my hands on my head "oww make it stop" I whisper as Theo grabs me. Kellen yells very loud "okay everyone your hurting her please not all at once she's not used to you being in her head" he says and everyone stops talking in my head but everything still hurts. I look at Theo and Skye who are looking at me, tears in my eyes "make it stop please it hurts" I beg them. "What hurts baby tell us what hurts?" Theo asks me, "everything hurts make it stop please make it stop" I whimper out.
  I slowly fall to my knees and chat "make it stop make it stop" over and over again. Theo is holding my in his arms and skye is looking at me desperate to make the pain go away. "Please Theo,Skye make it stop do something anything but please make it stop" I beg them. All a sudden im hit with so much pain I scream so loud everyone around us falls to the floor holding there ears. Skye and Theo seem to be the only ones not affected besides me by my scream. I look at Theo and Skye begging them with my eyes before another scream ripes through me then nothing but darkness.
  ***********Skye pov***************
  One minute she is fine the next she's on the ground in pain begging us to make it stop. The screams where ear shattering according to my Aunt who just barely made it up on the stage to give Indi something yo knock her out when I mind linked her for help. Not our sweet girl is in a bed at a cable away from everyone so when she wakes so can't hurt anyone. Its seems to not affect me and Theo so we can stay with her. The elder that was here tonight said it can do something with her powers and to just let it work its self out. Her body is going through a lot, and since she thinks shes a healer she may be feeling everyone in the packs pain, whatever form they are feeling all at once and it's over powering her and screaming is releasing the pain. Me and Theo aren't affected because we are her mates and she knows we aren't in any pain of any kind.
  We were told to just wait it out and when she wakes if she can't handle being awake to knock her out again until her body can handle it all. Me and Theo lay in bed each holding her hoping that when she wakes up she will be okay and not in any pain.

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