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Sooo, here is part two of the Iwaoi story for y'all :)

Oikawa strolled behind Iwaizumi, who grabbed his hand in a firm hold like he was scared he would run off if he let go, to Iwaizumis home. His boyfriend wasn't the talkative type of guy, Oikawa took care of that part but even he didn't dare to interrupt the tense silence between them.
Only when they reached Iwaizumi's home, Oikawa tried: „Are your parents home or do we have time for some naughty activities?"
„Even if they wouldn't be, you will get the rest you need." As Iwaizumi saw Oikawas pout he added, „If my mom knew what you're doing you probably are unable to sit for a week. And, if you don't take proper care of yourself, I will spank you too."
„Iwa-chan!", Oikawa gasped, „I am very responsible!"
Iwaizumi closed the door behind his boyfriend: „You are being responsible concerning our team but you have no sense of taking care of yourself."
„Hajime, you are home late, did you have to put up with Tooru?"
„Yeah, sorry, Iwaizumi-san, he would be the better Captain", answered Oikawa.
„Nonsense", Hajimes mother approached Oikawa, „Well, there are leftovers, I'll reheat them for the both of you. It will be ready soon, about twenty minutes. Now go, let Haji take care of you."
Iwaizumi huffed, chased Oikawa to the stairs: „Be careful, your knee probably will hurt tomorrow."
„You worry too much, Iwa-chan", mocked Oikawa.
„Considering past events I have come to the conclusion that I worry the exact correct amount", Iwaizumi followed Oikawa up the stairs, directed him to the bathroom.
„Sit on the toilet and strip, you're still in practice clothes", Iwaizumi rolled his eyes as Oikawa responded with: „Aww, hot, Iwa-chan."
„Don't be stupid", Iwaizumi started the water, added a bit of bubbles to it, then turned to Oikawa. For a moment he stared at his boyfriends body. Lean and strong, tall. But even Oikawas body wasn't perfect, at least Oikawa thought that. He wrapped his arms around his torso, covering scars he had from several different occasions.
„Why do you need to stare?"
„Because you are beautiful, truly", Oikawa tried to interupt Iwaizumi but he just continued, „A body doesn't have be perfect, it gives your soul a home."                                                                              „Anyways, we stretched back at the gym, right?", Oikawa tried to change the topic.                             „Yeah, now get into the tub, Shittykawa", said Iwaizumi, as Oikawa showed no intention to get into the tub Iwaizumi picked him up, letting him slide into the hot water. Oikawa tried to supress a smile as he felt his muscles relaxing after a moment.                                                                              Iwaizumi shook his head: „Was that so hard? Well, now close your eyes, I'm gonna wash that pretty hair of yours, making it shiny and soft again, as you would say."                                                    Oikawa followed Iwaizumis request, sighed at the long fingers massaging his scalp, untangling his matted hair. He pouted when Iwaizumi started to rinse it but felt happy, safe even.              Next Iwaizumi grabbed a washcloth, rubbing Oikawas back, his arms and legs. He couldn't resist to tickle his tummy, making his boyfriend giggle.                                                                                                Oikawa sniffed, looking at Iwaizumi he said: „I think dinner's ready?"                                                         Iwaizumi wrapped Oikawa in a towel, gave him a Godzilla pyjama to wear. Oikawa scrounched his nose, getting a kiss from Iwaizumi.

„You are eating in your room, right?", Iwaizumi-san handed her son two bowls of curry, „Don't do anything to exhausting. I'm sure you know what I mean."                                                                          Iwaizumi blushed, going back to Oikawa, who already sat on the bed: „I'm sorry, but I don't really feel like eating right now."                                                                                                                     Iwaizumi pulled Oikawa on his lap, held the chopsticks in front of his lips: „What if I'll help you?" Oikawa opened his mouth, letting his boyfriend feed him: „But your food is getting cold."          „Do I look like I care?", Iwaizumi gave Oikawa another bite, „Eat up, Tooru, don't beat yourself up. I know it's hard. I know you struggle and I can only stand by your side, giving my best to help you."                                                                                                                                                                                Oikawa felt tears start to form, threatening to fall: „Hajime."                                                                          „Now hush", Iwaizumi put both of their bowls down, before he was pulled into a kiss by Oikawa. Soft lips brushed against his own, tongues sliding into each others mouths, fighting for dominance. Iwaizumi broke the kiss, both gasped for air.                                                                           Glancing towards the clock Iwaizumi draped the blanket over Oikawa and him: „As much as I want to fuck right now, I have to stand to my word, maybe tomorrow if we're both in the mood." „Sure, love you, Hajime", Oikawa snuggled against Iwaizumi, pressed his head against his neck. „Love you, Tooru", Iwaizumi pressed a kiss to his boyfriends soft hair, inhaling his scent before turning off the light. He wrapped his arms around Oikawa, pulling him close, his eyes already drooping.

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