"Not if I have anything to say about it." Jill muttered. "I will kill him before he gets the chance." Sansa nodded, she was fine with Jill killing Joffrey and making a run for it.

'Your Grace' maester pycelle said stepping forward. 'The gods do indeed hold of betrothal solemn but your father bless his memory made this pack before the starks revealed their falseness... I have consulted with the high septon and he assures me that for the good of the realm, to free you from any promises you have made to them in the sight of gods.' Pycelle assured him.

'The gods are good I am free to heed my heart.' Joffrey proclaimed. 'Ser Loras I will gladly wed your sweet sister... you will be my queen.' Joffrey told her 'and I will love you from this day until my last day.' Sansa couldnt help but smile.

"One step closer to freedom, Sansa." Jill whispered leading her away. But their path was blocked by Petyr Baelish.

'My lady my sincerest condolences.' Petyr said coming up to them.

'They are right I'm not good enough for him.' Sansa lied.

"He would be much happier with that slut, I mean Lady." Jill corrected smugly.

'You are good enough for many things... he would've enjoyed beating you and now that you are a woman he would've enjoyed you in other ways as well.' Petyr told them.

'But if he is not marrying me-' Sansa began.

'and you thought he would let you go home?' petyr questioned. 'Joffrey is not the boy who gives away his toys.' Petyr told her. 'you have a tender heart just like your mother did at your age. I see so much of her in you, she was like a sister to me... For her sake I will help get you home.'

'Kings Landing is my home now.' Sansa told him stiffly.

'Look around you. We are all liars here and everyone of us is better than you.' Petyr warned her.

"But none have a better motive than me to keep her safe." Jill spat back.


'My lion...' shae sat on the edge of his bed his face bound with bandages from the battle

'It was good of you to come good to me.' Tyrion said stiffly.

'good of me? Of course I came.' shae told him. 'I want to see you.' she told him reaching out for his bandage

'Believe me you don't.' Tyrion told her swiping her hand away

'Have you looked?' he shook his head. 'I will be the first.' he shook his head 'I will be the first then.' shae repeated, pulling at the bandages un-wrapping it around his head until the scar was visible, a slash across his face. He cringed at the pain but shae didn't care.

'Well?' Tyrion questioned.

'You are a mess.' shae told him softly

'I am a monster as well, you should charge me double .' Tyrion informed her trying to maintain his composure but all he wanted was to cry.

'Do you honestly think I'm here for money Tyrion?' shae questioned appalled

'That was the arrangement we made.' Tyrion reminded her 'I pay you and you lie to me.'

'Oh I'm a poor little rich man and no one loves me so I make jokes all the time.' shae told him sarcastically 'so I pay them to laugh.... Fuck your money.' shae told him. There was a knock at the door and shae stood up.

'Oh, sorry." Jill said pulling the door closed but Tyrion spoke up.

"Snow. What can I do for you?" Shae scoffed as she shoved past Jill.

"Lovely woman. Always so pleasent." Jill remarked before she looked to Tyrion's face.

"That bad?" he mused and she tilted her head back and forth in contemplation. "No, Snow you are supposed to say you look even more handsome, fuck me now." Tyrion told her and Jill chuckled.

"Alright." Jill agreed sitting at the end of his bed. "Tyrion you look even more handsome, fuck me now." Jill declared and Tyrion smiled back at her. "But that wasn't why I came here..."

"No? Shame..." Tyrion mused.

"The little cunt has chosen a new bride but little finger thinks that Sansa is going to be beaten and raped at Joffrey's pleasure now." Jill remarked softly. Tyrion shifted in bed getting a closer to her.

"He could have had both of you executed." Tyrion remarked. "At least now you have time to..." run, flee, kill joffrey before he kills you. Tyrion didn't like any of those options.

'Why doesnt he?' Jill questioned softly

'I think I can him otherwise." Tyrion informed her


'Because I like you.' Tyrion admitted

'Why?' She kept repeated her lips ajar and big eyes stared down at him, Tyrion chuckled. How could anyone not fall in love with Jill Snow?

'Why do I like you?" Tyrion pondered

'Why?' Jill agreed.

'Because you're smart, witty, strong, beautiful,' Tyrion told her and she opened her mouth 'if you say why again im going to shut your mouth for you.' A smiled curved her lips.

'How?' She countered smugly.

'I could have you screaming my name, instead.' Tyrion told her.

'Ohh, I love a challenge.' Jill told him. "But you are all talk."

"Am I?" Tyrion countered getting closer.

"Yep." Jill informed him as she got up. He watched her go. He was always letting her walk out of his life. 

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now