'Just as I pray for the kings.' Sansa said turning around.

"My attitude has finally rubbed off on her." Jill declared as Shae stormed off. "I'm sorry though, you don't deserve that."

"No?" Tyrion mused.

"If I was a praying gal I would pray for you but we all know I'm rooting for the stags horns to pierce the pretentious lion king." Jill told him innocently.


"Don't die Tyrion." Jill said bringing her lips to his ear. "You are one of the three reasons I get up in the morning."  she straightened up before moving to Sansa.

"What's the other?" Tyrion called after her.

"Sansa and..." she drew a finger across her neck ominously, but that smile, anyone would look at that smile and think she was bluffing. Tyrion knew Jill better than that. He knew she entirely serious.

'Your king rides forth to battle, you should offer his sword a kiss.' Joffrey told sansa. 'My new blade heart eater I've named it.' Joffrey told her 'kiss it!' he demanded and sansa slowly put her lips to blade. 'You will kiss it again when I return and taste my uncles blood.'

'Will you slay him yourself?' sansa questioned as jill grabbed her hand. She couldn't stop the eyeroll. As though joffrey had ever swung a sword.

'If Stannis is foolish enough to come near me.' Joffrey muttered trying not to be nervous.

'So you will be outside the gates fighting in the Vanguard?" Sansa questioned

'The king does not discuss battle plans with stupid girls.' Joffrey sneered.

'I'm sorry your Grace I am stupid, of course you'll be in Vanguard. They say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting is the thickest but he is a pretender.' Sansa remarked hopeful that joffrey would die having never seen battle before. Jill knew what she was doing, she pulled Sansa closer.

'Your brothers time will come and you can lick his blood of heart eater too.' Joffrey said walking off.

"Look forward to it, always enjoyed the taste of blood." Jill mused as he marched off. "Come on, lets get you to the bitches." Jill said leading her down the hall.

"Where will you be?"

"Your room." Jill offered. "It is closer than my own to the bitches... should you need me."

"I always need you." Sansa corrected.

'Hound, tell the hand that the king has asked him a question!' Joffrey sneered. Sandor rolled his eyes but obeyed like a good dog.

'The King has asked you a question.' he said in dull tone of voice

'Tell the King that the hand of the King is too busy to tell him of every decision he makes.' Joffrey retorted. He nodded to Lancel.

'The hand of the King wishes to tell you-' Lancel began.

'If I tell you to cut him in half-' Joffrey began

'That would make me the quarter man.' Tyrion told him 'it doesn't have the same ring to it.' Joffrey didn't approve of his uncles teasing. 'chop me in half and I won't be able to lead our fleet no signal no plan and Stannis Baratheon takes the city and the iron Throne put your pinch little head up on the gate somewhere might be quite amusing except my head will be up there too. I like my head I don't think that I want to see it up there just yet.' Tyrion

informed him.


"That bad?" Jill asked, Sandor nodded kicking the door closed. "I saw the fires." Jill remarked. Again he nodded taking a seat.

"I'm leaving. You should come with me." Sandor told her.

"Where?" Jill countered.

"Somewhere the world aint burning." Sandor offered.

"I won't leave Sansa." Jill told him.

"Why the fuck you think I'm here?" Sandor countered.

"Aw, you do like me Clegane!" Jill said leaning back against the desk.

"You're not bad Snow." Sandor agreed. Sansa ran back to her room sealing the door shut only to see Sandor sitting in her room she nearly jumped out of her skin as she clung to Jill.

'I'm not going to hurt you.' He told them.

'what are you doing here?' Screams could be heard outside the window.

'Don't panic.' Sandor told sansa but she was shaking in Jill's arms.

'What are you doing here?' sansa questioned nervously

"HE wants to save us. You know us damsels in distress." Jill added, Sandor rolled his eyes as he got up.

'I'm not here for long, I'm going.' Sandor told them

'Where?'' Sansa asked.

'Someplace that isn't burning." Jill echoed his earlier response.

''North might be, could be.' he remarked

'What about the king?' Sansa stammered.

'Fuck the king.' Jill and Sandor spat and she chuckled glancing back at him.

'The king can die just fine on his own,' he informed her as he took a long sip.

"Preach!" Jill declared. "Although I want to be the one to take his head..." Sansa stared back at her. "I would. I want to. Hell if the little cunt survives I might just have to."


  'I could take you with me take you to Winterfell. I'll keep you safe,' Sandor told them. "Although I don't think this one needs protection. do you want to go home?' but sansa hesitated.

'I'll be safe here Stannis won't hurt me.' Sansa said. Sandor took a step forward and she flinched back.

'Look at me,' Sandor told her and Sansa's eyes moved up to him. 'Stannis is a killer the Lannister's are killers your father was a killer your brother is A Killer your sons will be killer someday. This one is one wrong move away from killing the king and losing her pretty head." Sandor remarked and jill smirked.

"I think he just called me pretty." Jill remarked.

"Don't let it get to your head." Sandor told her.

"Oh too late." Jill mused.

"The world is built by killers so you better get used to looking at them,' he said staring down at her.

"He's not wrong, Sansa." Jill told her honestly.

'Stanis won't hurt me.' Sansa told him again  'You won't hurt me either,' Sansa said hopefully looking to Sandor.

'No little bird I won't hurt you,' sandor agreed. "Take care Snow."

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now