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Jungkook's POV:
"Be at back!!" I whispered to all of them.. y/n and Kiara hid under the table.. I switched off the lights and quietly, and took a deep breath before opening the door. I looked at taehyung and he nodded.

I lightly opened the door and stepped out.. we didn't catch their attention yet they were a bit far but one mistake and they'll run at us. "Be quite" I whispered to taehyung. He stepped out and. "Baby I'll be back!! Don't cry ok! And yeah lock the door i love you" taehyung did not whisper, and they started to run towards us. "IDIOT" I yelled at him and closed the door quickly they locked it from inside.

I held his hand and started to run, where ever we went they started to chase us. "I wish you knew how badly I want to sue you right now" I said. "It's not my fault they're so clever" he replied. We ran to the other side but they were also there. "Ahhhh" he started to scream.

"What the hell, are you serious? You're a werewolf!!! Sometimes I doubt that you're not" I said and kicked the zombie who almost caught taehyung. Me and taehyung stopped running when he saw tons of them coming from infront. "Holly sh!t" taehyung said.

"NOW WHAT?" He yelled. "Let's do this!-" I said. "DO WHAT?" He asked. "1...2...3" I said and held his hand started to running forward towards then. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZYY" he screamed. I closed my eyes and summoned a place where they couldn't be.

"Ahhh" taehyung's scream started to fade. I opened my eyes when o started to feel cold. "W... where the fuck a-are w-we" taehyung asked me while shivering badly. I looked around and it was all snow everywhere and we were on the top of a mountain.

The cold storm with snow falling was enough to make us freeze. "Everest" I replied. "S-seriously?" He was shivering badly because of low temperature so as me. I held his hand again.

A part of me have had forgotten that i could do this too.. even taehyung can also dissappear wherever he wants to. "Switzerland" taehyung said.. and we switched there.. "FUCK NO!!" I yelled, my voice echoed in the open valleys.

"Brazil" I summoned the places from where we needed to get the food. The grocery. We were inside the grocery store and those creatures were here as well. "AHHH HERE AS WELL!!" taehyung yelled. "We have to!" I said and took out a knife I have had tucked in my pocket. They started to run to us and I sliced them off.

"JUNGKOOK HELP!!" taehyung yelled. "Seriously hyung you're older than me and a fuckin werewolf" I said. "THESE CREATURES DON'T SEE IF IT'S A HUMAN, VAMPIRE OR A WEREWOLF" he yelled and tried to push that zombie who climbed onto him. "You gotta show them" I said.. and killed the zombies who came in my way... I climbed up on the counter shelf and took a shovel and and started to hit them with it.

"HYUNG!!" I yelled and suddenly he roared.. and turned into a wolf. "Woah!" I screamed. He started to push them off and tear them apart with his deep claws.  I was shocked and happy cause he's brave this time.

He suddenly roared at me and jumped on me.. and killed the one who was about to attack me. He howled and and ruffled him.. he got off from me and I ran towards the door and locked the glass door, cause more of them tried to come inside, Before they could come inside i locked it. They started to gather and pres their self on the glass door which put pressure on the glass door. It might breaks soon. Taehyhng turned back in his human form.

He got a scratch on his face. "They are really some horrifying creatures" he said and huffed. "Fine now we need to get the food before they break this glass door" I said. He and me found a big bag to put the food inside. We literally threw anything we saw and got in our hand, those zombies were hiding there hands on the glass door continously. It got a crack and soon it will be broken. "SH!T" I cursed.

The bag was almost full now still we tried to put things inside. "Taehyhng let's run now" I said while looking at the glass door. "1..2..3.." I said and we heard a loud noise of glass breaking.. few pieces hit us.. but before those zombies could attack us thank god we were back in the corridor of that hotel.. those zombies which were here.. we caught their attention and now they were coming to attack us. "OPEN THE DOOR!!!" I yelled and banged the door.

They unlocked and opened it we both got inside and tried to close the door but one of thems arm got stuck in the door and he tried to push the door. Behind the door there were alot more who were pushing the door. Me and taehyhng used our full powers to hold back the door taehyung looked at me and nodded as no. "OPEN THE BALCONY AND LOCK YOURSELVES THERE" I yelled y/n and others ran towards the balcony.

I was trying to hold the door with my hands and taehyung with his back. "THE HACK THEY EAT?" taehyung yelled "humans" I replied. "I THINK I CAN'T ANYMORE" Taehyung growled in anger. While trying to hold the door. "Jungkook!" I heard Kiara said I turned my face back to look at her and she had tears in her eyes, she was the only one who didn't lock her self in the balcony.

I started to become soft when I looked at her, the urge to hold her and kiss her.. wipe her tears and shelter her with my arms.. "JUNGKOOK PAY ATTENTION OR-" before he could complete the words.. the door got broken and we were on the floor. Those creatures started to rush in. The door was above me and taehyung..

The preasure was too much on us.. taehyung got dizzy. I pushed the door and shook taehyung he opened his eyes.
Kiara ran towards a table and hid under it. I pushed the zombie who tried to cling onto me. I was looking at Kiara and then at taehyung, every next second. My tears falling from my eyes.

Taehyung woke up finally and we started to kill them.. but then.. the zombies started to attack us, we almost got bitten by them.

Author's POV:
Y/n was crying badly and wanted to go inside and unlock the balcony but her classmates stopped her.. Kiara was scared what if jungkook gets bitten. As she saw him almost getting bitten by all of them. She came out from under the table and took a broken piece of wooden stick in her hands.

"Forgive me jungkook" she whispered and her eyes started to fall tears. By now the zombies have had hovered over taehyung and jungkook but the tried their best to cover their selves from not getting bit.

She hit the broken piece of wood harshly on the wall and she caught all of the zombies attention."RUN JUNGKOOK!!" She yelled and they all started to run towards her leaving taehyung and jungkook behind. "JUNGKOOK RUN!!" She yelled.. "ki-" a tear fell from his eyes.

They all started to bite her, eat her and tear her flesh off. "KIARAAAAA" jungkook yelled. "KIARA!" taehyung yelled as well. "You've to run! I sacrificed myself for you!! Please jung-jungkook run-" she was crying.. her blood was all on the floor. "NOOO" he tried to run towards her.. but taehyung held him.

"SHE'S NO MORE A HUMAN JUNGKOOK" Taehyung held jungkook and he still tried to run towards her.. "m-my jagiya-" his eyes never stopped falling g tears. Om the other side y/n was all lost... looking at what was going on.. she fainted cause of hunger and being tensed.

Taehyung pulled jungkook towards the balcony door and from inside their classmates opened the door and they both got inside. He quickly locked the door. Jungkook wasn't screaming or yelling anymore.. he was just looking at Kiara getting hurt by them and getting bruised.. eaten and tear. He rested his head agaisnt the glass door and looked at her.. she threw blood from her mouth in thick maroon colour.. they finally left her. She fell on the floor and looked at jungkook and smiled.

Her feet started to crack. "Jungkook" taehyung wasshovering crying badly. She crawled somehow near the glass door. "Wh-why shall you do this?" He whispered.. she attached her head with the door. She wanted to speak but couldn't.. her eyes were reddened by now. She pointed at her self. And then made a heart with her blood on the glass door. And pointed at jungkook. "DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!!! I'LL DIE! KI" jungkook yelled and there it goes.. her head hung low and her fingers twisted..

The tear she had in her eyes fell and she looked up.. no more a human.. she started to hit her head on the glass door. Taehyung pushed back jungkook and held a sheet.. he covered the glass door with the sheet. jungkooks world fell apart.. it seemed as if he won't be able to live again.. he closed his eyes and reminded how she smiled, how she blushed, the way she talked.

Taehyung sat beside him on the floor when he was done covering the glass door with sheet. He placed jungkooks head on his shoulder and y/n's head on his lap, she was faint. "Cry... as much as you can...don't keep it inside.. she's gone..she sacrificed herself.. she proved that she loved you. Now you have to prove her that you also love her by staying alive" taehyung said and jungkook broke down in tears while holding taehyung. He sobbed and made taehyungs shirt wet with his tears.

"HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT HER...HY-HYUNG" he cried. Taehyung just closed his eyes and tears fell from his eyes.

End of Author's POV.


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