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Jungkook's POV:
Sitting on the edge of the bed i was lost in my thoughts, i had the book with me and i felt a bit relieved somewhere. I've hid it in the cupboard in between clothes, i was looking at the hidden moon behind the dark clouds through the net curtains, the moonlight was peeking inside, flashing on my face. Everyone's a sleep, kiara and y/n slept on bed and others while siting. Taehyung slept on chair.

My brain isn't relaxed from this all! Of course how will it be? We have to get our from here, to survive, and for a fact we have to stay inside to survive... there's no way we can get out from this zombie sh!t. Just as I was thinking this.

"Jungkook" I felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched, I turned my face up it was y/n. She sat next to me. "What do you think will we get out from here?" She asked. "Yeah for sure, there's always a solution for something" I looked at her and smiled.. again looked at the hidden moon, the clouds started to move away from it.

I sniffed the blood scent, again, the full moon reflected me and my jaw clenched, eyes started to turn red.. I closed my eyes, fangs started to grow. "You know jungkook, I'm really scared of what's going on, I'm scared to loose you all.." her voice was echoing in my ears, my head was spinning.

The blood scent was coming from her!! I can't deny this for another time that she's the one.. but she doesn't belongs to me. Still what if I'm wrong? She was continously speaking and my blood rate wasn't normal anymore due to controlling myself. Her voice was hitting  like an arrows in my head..

"Y/N! STOP!!!" shouting this I stood up from the bed, everyone woke up and looked at me. I hung my head low and rested my arms against the wall. "What just happened?" It was taehyung, he switched on lights.

"I-i don't know" she replied. "Jungkook?" Taehyung walked closer and looked at me he understood, he patted my shoulder, "it's fine" he mumbled and switched off the lights again. If it's y/n then, how will I get her from taehyung? And what about Kiara? Why's fate so unfair? Why couldn't the four of us live a normal life?

A tear fell from my eyes. Somewhere I was hoping that it's not her, but alot did I know that I was wrong. "Kook" it was Kiara, she mumbled my name softly while hugging me from back. By now I was in control. I turned around and hugged her. "What happened? Why did you shout at y/n?" She whispered and I kissed the top of her head while looking at taehyung holding y/n.

"Nothing I was just tensed" I replied. "You know, I'm also scared.. what if we don't end up surviving? What if it never ends?" She snuggled her face in my chest. "I will do everything and anything possible to save you" I replied.

Later on that night:
Y/n's POV:
I woke up by flinching, when there wasn't his shoulder for my head to rest on. I looked around and thr room was empty, the walls were painted with blood, and the floor was covered with blood. "Taehyung?" My voice echoed in the room.

Tears started to fall when I got to see no one. "Tae- jungkook?" I shivered and slowly got up from the floor, it was literally empty nothing was here except the and darkness. The moonlight peeking inside the room. The door started to bang loudly. I flinched badly and screamed in fear.

"Kiaraaaa" I yelled her name. No response. Clock ticking silence until again the door started to bang. I was taken back with a scream, my legs started to shiver with my hands. "Tae-taehyung" I whispered yelled. The door was continously banging now. I was afraid that it must be zombies, until.

"Y/NN!!! HELP ME!! OPEN THE DOOR!! Y/N!!" it was taehyung's yelling voice. I went close the door. "Taehyung?" I asked and the banging if door stopped.

What's going on.. I'm scared. I unlocked the door with my shivering hands and looked at the clock, which ticked and I looked back at my hand on doors handle. I pulled it down and it made an opening noise. "T-tae?" I whispered and peeked out.. there was only one bulb which lit up the corridor. And it was also sparking.

THE BLOOD BERRY (Slow Update)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang