First Days and Crowded Lunch Rooms

19 1 0

Alaska Murphy Hemmings

Before the incident I didn't really have a lot of friends, so I was used to not having a big clique to follow me around. But the fact that I had no one at all upsetted me on a number of levels.

I walked to school as slowly as I could, without being late. Multiple groups or singles passed me, giving me confused or annoyed looks.

I prayed to God that this school year would be different than last. I can't stand the bullying or peer pressure any longer. I'd be homeschooled if that's what it took.

I noticed that if I didn't start walking faster, I'd be late. I started trucking it. I went through one of the back doors of the school, since my first class was in the back.

As I walked to the back, a familiar scent hit me. It was smoke. I turned a corner and a group of "bad-asses" we're leaned against the wall, smoking cigarettes. I knew that smell because Luke used to smoke. As far as I know, he still does, but secretly. Mom doesn't like it.

I looked over them and couldn't see one that wasn't attractive. One with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes smirked at me. Realizing how stupid I must look staring, I put my head down and walked a little faster to English.


It was lunch time and, so far, no friends have been made.

I approached my locker and spun the lock, entering the combination. I pulled and pulled. It was fucking jammed. I yanked harder, but it still wouldn't budge. I groaned, but shut up when a pair of green eyes landed on mine.

"Michael." I smile.
"Stuck?" He teases.

He pulls on it with little force and it pops open.

"Piece of shit." I mumble and it causes Michael to laugh. I stuff my books in my locker and slam it shut, annoyed and wanting to go home already.

"How's your day been, grouchy pants?" He puts an arm around my shoulder, and I give him a 'back off' look. He throws his hands up in surrender and laughs. The silly noise causes me to crack a smile.

"Complete, utter shit." I reply honestly.
"That sucks, Murph. Wanna eat lunch with my friends and I?"
"Can't, a group of super hot lesbians beat you to it." I tease.

We walk to lunch together and my breath hitches in my throat at the size of the lunch room. Its fairly big and is packed. Tight. All eyes landed on me and I freeze.

"Alaska, are you alright?" Michael asks with complete seriousness. "Fine," I tell him and push away my insecurities and the feeling of humiliation in my stomach.

We sit at his table and all eyes land on me. Not a single pair belonging to a female. Great, I think, now I'm that chick.

"Who's this?" A boy with a mess of dark curls asks.

"Harry, this is Alaska. Alaska, Harry." He reaches out to shake my hand and I cautiously take it.

"I'm Harry Styles. Welcome to our lunch table."

I nod.

"Alaska Hemmings," I turn to Michael, "nice Welcoming Committee you got there."

I'm introduced to all of the other buff guys and figured out that I had been sitting with the football team the entire time. It was a little uncomfortable, since the last school I attended's football team was rather mean and a cause for my mild depression and trust issues.

"I like them." I state as Michael and I walk the our next class.

"They like you." Michael says stiffly.

"You alright, Mike?"

"Promise me you'll always be my best friend and not theirs?" He says with a blush and a pout. Aww, he's jealous.

I grab his hand and give it a squeeze. "Of course, Michael. You'll always be my favorite."


Sorry this is so short but I really wanted to update idk I might add onto this or make a part 2

Michael is so majestic :-(

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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