Sunday Shopping and A Purple-Haired Boy

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Alaska Murphy Hemmings.

I didn't eat dinner last night, so when I woke up the next morning at noon, you could say the fact that I was hungry was an understatement. I wanted to eat everything in this house.

I was still in the clothes I wore yesterday and it grossed me out highly. I decided I'd take a shower after I ate. Quickly running to the kitchen because I didn't want to talk to anyone didn't work out so well. I tripped on the stairs and tumbled down.

"FUCKING HELL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, cradling my hurt ankle. "ALASKA MURPHY!" My mother's anger was conspicuous. "Watch your dang mouth!" I inwardly snorted at her usage of 'dang' instead of 'damn'. She sounded like a small, upset child, not allowed to curse.

I grumbled under my breath and continued my way to the kitchen, limping, trying not to put too much pressure on my sore ankle. I entered the kitchen, and groaned when I realized we had nothing for breakfast. We still hadn't gone grocery shopping for food to fill the cabinets.

"Why don't you just eat a Granola bar to tide you over until I go grocery shopping?" Mom suggested and I rolled my eyes, "'Cause I want real food."

"Well, they're not imaginary." My brother walks in shirtless with his red flannel pajama pants hung low. I scrunched my nose when I smelled him. "Put a shirt on. And when's the last time you've taken a shower?" I asked him. "Thursday," He replies with a satisfied smirk.

"DUDE!" I screeched as he tried to pull me into a hug. "That's, like, three days!" I put my hands on his unshaven chest and push as hard as possible. He stumbles, but still gathers me in his arms.

"Ewwww," I groan loudly, not putting my arms around him. "C'mon, Murph, you used to love my hugs," Luke says, a little hurt noticeable in his voice. "Yeah, when I was nine." I told him back. He sighed and finally let go.

See, I've never been a very intimate person. I've always taken person space into account, so I didn't enjoy things like cuddling or hugs. Of course, my brother was always an exception. He's the only one I'd allow to give me constant hugs and cuddles, since we were always so close. But as we grew up, we grew apart. He started hanging out with types of people I didn't like, and soon was almost never around. So I let go.

"Are you ready for school tomorrow?" Mom returns back into the kitchen as I had grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet. I rolled my eyes, "That's the last thing I want to think about at the moment."

"Don't worry, Murph, you'll make plenty of friends." She told me reassuringly. Yeah, right.  I leave and go back up to my room, wanting a hot relaxing shower.

I grabbed a clean towel and went to the bathroom, turned the nob, and waited for the hot water. It soon came, and I stripped, submerging my body into the warmth.

I sighed as a shampooed my hair, realizing that I'd have to spend valuable time unpacking.

I've never unpacked before. The last house I had lived in is the house I had lived in my entire existence. Well, until it happened.

"Thomas, where are we going?" I ask and smile at him from the passenger seat.

"Just home real quick," He smiles and pats my thigh, "I need to grab something."

I push the memory back as far as it possible can be pushed and turn off the water. I wrap the towel around me and head back to my room, debating on what I should wear to go out and explore (with my brother of course because my mother would never let me go alone).

Whatever, Asshole ||a.f.iDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora