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                                     Chapter 5

  It was morning and both girls woke up feeling refreshed. They got ready. Then they went downstairs for breakfast. Only a few people from class were still there. The rest were already out. Maria got a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Fulta got sweet pancakes with syrup and blueberries. They headed out. They sat down in a field of soft green grass. They looked at the clouds and guessed shapes then played tic tac toe. They rolled around giggling on the grass. After, they jumped up and headed back towards the inn. From there they decided to check out the town’s artificial starlit auditorium. On their way there Maria bumped into a stranger with a dark hood. 

  The stranger’s overwhelming magic gave her goosebumps. Everything about the person was dark. Fear instilled her heart and her head was pounding from the adrenaline coursing through her body. Her body unfroze and was on defense. Her suspicions were further heightened, when animals within the parameter started howling, hissing, scratching, growling and shrieking in response to seeing the hooded figure.   “S- sorry” she said quickly. But when she turned the stranger was gone!!  Maria dazed, shook it off as nothing. “Did you see that?!” she asked Farite. “See what?” Farite asked, confused with a hint of worry in her voice.  “Nevermind,” Maria replied. But before they could take a step any further they heard a very familiar voice. “Well, well if it isn’t dummy one and dummy two!” They both turned around to see Rika. Rika had a sneer on her face.“I see you’re not smart enough to come up with an original insult” “Dummy is way too overrated and it isn’t even an insult anymore!”

 “For your information I'm sometimes a dummy and I'm sometimes not” Maria replied, looking revolted. “There’s nothing wrong and not everyone can be perfect,” Farite said, adding to Maria’s statement. Both Farite and Maria rolled their eyes. Maria and Farite began to walk away when Rika said something that made Farite stop. “I see you’re running away just like your father and to think you’re a bastard child of his” Maria looked at her friend with worry. Farite gritted her teeth and muttered a quick spell before walking away. Rita screeched like a hyena as she flew through the air and landed in a heavy pile of garbage. Everyone nearby stared disgusted and whispered to one another. 


 Rita growled and puckered her lip. She opened her kisser and tried to speak, only for her to realize she couldn’t. Rita looked horrified and embarrassed. Red faced, she sent a seething glare towards the two and they shrugged. Rita picked herself up, looking like she was about to cry. She stalked through the crowds and instead of holding her head up with a snobbish look, her head was down. Maria sent the classic middle finger at her. Farite and Maria high fived each other, while laughing. Maria whispered to Farite “I’m glad you didn’t give in to your anger, like she wanted” “I’m proud of you girl!” Farite smiled at her, grateful. “Thanks” “It was hard to not punch her”  “You do realize that she’ll come after you, right?” Maria asked, laughing and smiling a bit.

Farite nodded. “Let her come, I’ll be ready” “Besides I doubt she will” she replied. Maria asked why. “Because everyone around knows how her parents are super careful about their image” “The moment she complains to them about what what she did and we did in response, they’ll strictly scold and punish her” 

“Being molded into the perfect doll can’t be easy”  “I’m glad I never went through that”  “I can’t help but feel a tiny bit bad, maybe she’s actually nice and her family is terrible” Maria wondered out loud. Farite shook her head. “No matter how bad her childhood was, it doesn’t excuse the fact she’s an adernohg to nearly everyone” Farnite said sadly. “What is an adernohg?” Maria asked, embarrassed she didn’t know of the word. “It’s ok not all witches know that word”

  “It’s basically a word that describes a person that acts absolutely terribly, says mean things and is worse than bottomfeeders,” Farnite replied. Maria nodded and the two fell into a comfortable silence.

   There was clapping from the crowds and the two bowed. They then raced off grinning before they could get in trouble. The two visited the auditorium as planned and were very pleased at the sight. The place was bathed in sunlight and inside the stars were glowing with many colors. It was very beautiful. Maria smiled that day, feeling whole. She was glad she came to the school and she was excited to learn new things along with Farite. 

Months later Maria found herself excited to visit her mother back home for the holiday. She lifted her luggage, bid goodbye to Farite as she drove away in her broom and her dad rode the car beside her, towards their house.

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