Chapter 10 ~ Jealousy and Abduction

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~Your P. O. V.~

It's been a few hours since Yuma/ Edgar set mine and the Sakamaki's mansion on fire and Shu is only just now beginning to awaken from his unconscious state. I was too busy staring off at the no longer burning forest for me to actually notice the blonde as he opens one of his ocean blue eyes to look up at me from where he lays on my lap.

"You slapping me earlier wasn't alright ___." Shu's sleepy and deep scratchy voice rang out, snapping me out of my daze.

"Well, I wasn't exactly looking to have us both burned to a crisp." I said back to him as I looked downwards to meet his gaze.

His normally slightly messy blonde hair was now a scorched mess of dirty blonde and charcoal colored hair. Burns and bruises of different severities littered his body since it was easy to see with all the holes in his clothing. Even the blondes face had a few cuts and scratches on it that looked to be a little more than painful.

"I'll have to punish you later."

My eye's widened ever so slightly at Shu's words since that wasn't the thing I was expecting him to say.

Well, it's not like I was expecting a thank you either...

After a little while of Shu staring up at me and me down at him, he finally decided to push himself up off my lap and sit next to me on the concrete steps. Small hisses of pain escaped his lips as he moved to sit closely to my body and rest his head down onto my shoulder.

"Shu, about what happened earlier with the whole fire and Edgar business-"

"Silence ___ and never bring up that name again unless you want me to really take an interest in you and end your pathetic life."

The blonde resting his head on my shoulder was quick to cut me off from my sentence before I could even ask my actual question. Taking a small and most likely very stupid chance, I decided to continue with my question and ask him while ignoring his warning.

"You have a fear of fire since you assumed Edgar died in his village that burned down to the ground, right?"

Shu didn't say a single word as he suddenly reached up and gripped my neck, keeping me in place as he slightly turned his head so his mouth was hovering just above the soft skin just below my ear near my jaw. "I told you not to speak about it you lewd woman."

A sharp pain right where his lips were previously hovering over quickly made me wince and squeeze my nails into the palms of my hands, the pain being very nearly unbearable. The vampire next to me relentlessly drank my blood in the most painful way he could manage with him still being this lazy and slightly out of it due to previously being unconscious. But after some time of him attacking me with his fangs, the feel of them under my skin and his lips gently sucking on my neck began to feel rather nice in a sort of screwed up way.

Soft moans were leaving Shu's mouth as he bagan to switch his position and sit up straighter so he could wrap his other arm around my waist, forcing me somehow even closer to him. At this point I had lost so much blood that it was becoming impossible for me to attempt fighting back. All I could do was sigh with small moans mixed in as he slowly took his fangs out of my neck only to begin sucking on the wound he inflicted

"Such a lewd woman..." Shu murmered as he licked up the remaining blood and made sure to put extra pressure with his tongue on the fresh bite marks, making another small moan escape my lips.

"You've made me this way." I whispered back to him, only making the blonde stop in his actions and pull back just the slightest bit away from my neck to get a better look at my expression.

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