*seven* Eric

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Eric had a lot to learn. Firstly, he was thinner than a shrimp, secondly he was frightened at the sight of a gun.

"Come on." Lucis whined. "Just hold it."

"No-no I don't think I want to." Eric said, his nose pointed up at the ceiling, eyes watching the gun like a hunter.

"Do you want to survive?" Lucis asked.

"I do but I don't like violence." Eric said.

"So you want to debate with the zombies?"

"I didn't say that!"

"Then hold the gun!"

Eric sighed, gave up, and took the gun. He cocked it (with Lucis and Oliver's painful instructions) and squinted his eyes. They were standing in the street outside, not wanting to destroy parts of the house. Eric missed his first shot by a long shot. Oliver sighed and Lucis rolled his eyes.

"I'll do better next time!" Eric said, clearly trying not to let Oliver and Lucis' pissy moods affect his shooting ability and mood. He attempted to get the gun ready again but he ended up almost shooting his own foot off.

"Let me do it." Lucis sighed, taking the gun out of Eric's greatful hands. Eric shaded his eyes (mimicking Oliver) and scanned the horizon. "Here." Lucis handed Eric back the gun. "Try again." Eric raised the gun. "We're going to be here forever." Lucis mouthed to Oliver.

"I know." Oliver mouthed back. Eric fired. This time it was a bit closer. Lucis sighed and stepped forward. Here goes another lesson.


Eric's first time as nightguard. Oliver and Lucis had denied him a gun 'till he was fully trained. So, currently, he was stuck out in the shivering cold holding a sword Oliver had found in a bedroom. Lucis and Oliver were peering out at him through the blinds on the window.

"How long do you think he'll last?" Lucis asked.

"All newbies are different." Oliver said, eyes still fixed on Eric's turned back. Lucis yawned and sat back.

"We'll check on him in a bit, I need to sleep." He said. Oliver grumbled in agreement and fell next to him. They passed out instantly. When they woke up Eric was still outside. "What time is it?" Lucis asked groggily.

"5:30 AM." Oliver replied, face hidden in a pillow. Lucis smoothed down his hair and peeked outside.

"He's still out there!" Lucis said in disbelief. "Let's go check in on him." He grabbed Oliver's arm and pulled him off the floor. When Lucis opened the door Eric's head instantly shot up. "You okay?" 

Lucis asked. Eric looked between Lucis' soothed down hair and Oliver's unruly hair.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He seemed completely awake.

"Did you fall asleep?" Oliver asked, rubbing his eyes which had gained deeper bags.

"No." Eric said. He seemed very alert. Almost to alert to be true. Wait a second- scratch the almost.

"You fell asleep didn't you?" Oliver said.

"How did you know?" Eric asked.

"You are a very bad liar." Lucis said. "Next time your night guard, don't fall asleep." He led the exhausted Oliver back inside.


Lucis was at the dining table eating a small breakfast of stale oatmeal. Eric was doing target practice (he had profusely denied eating the oatmeal) and Oliver was napping. Lucis watched Oliver's tuft of unruly hair as it popped up from the couch. The front door banged open, knocking Lucis out of his thoughts and making Oliver jump at least a foot.

"THERE'S A ZOMBIE!" Eric screamed.

"WELL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!" Oliver hollered back. "YOU HAVE A GUN! DO SOMETHING WITH IT!" Eric turned to come face to face with a zombie. Good thing Lucis was quick enough to save him.

Once Lucis got back from putting the zombie body away, he and Eric got into a heated argument which woke a very disgruntled Oliver.


"I DON'T LIKE VIOLENCE!" Eric yelled back.


"Would you just SHUT UP already!" Oliver shouted, breaking up the argument. "Some people are trying to get some much needed sleep." The two stopped arguing as Oliver's face fell back into the couch. But the glaring didn't stop 'till that night.

It was Lucis' turn to be night guard and Eric seemed happy to be able to sleep. Eric eagerly watched Lucis from inside, soaking up all that he was doing. He was a good learner but he didn't want to use most things to help him get better.

"Go to sleep." Oliver ordered. "You'll need it in the morning." Eric nodded and fell back onto his makeshift bed. Oliver turned away and closed his eyes. The last thing he heard before dozing off was Eric sighing.


"Okay, remember how to set up the gun?"


"Okay good. Show me."

Lucis stood next to Eric in the cold foggy morning. Eric showed Lucis how to set up the gun before shooting. Lucis indicated to shoot. Eric shot. The shot rang out through the empty neighborhood sending a flock of black birds flying away through the fog.

"Good job." Lucis said, a faint smile pressed into his lips. Eric had finally hit the target. Eric grinned at Lucis. "Try again." 

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