'Lady Stark did not want to insult the Royal family by seating bastards in their midst.' Jon admitted.

"But we are life of any party and they all know it." Jill added. "We would steal the spotlight."

"Damn right you would." Benjen agreed. 'Well Jon, you are always welcome at the wall,' Benjen assured him. 'no bastard has ever been turned away there.' an idea, not thought through at all sprung into jons head.

'So take me with you when you go back.' Jon suggested.

"Fuck no." Jill spat and Jon sent her a wearily look. "NO!"

'Jon-' Benjen agreed.

'Father will let me if you ask him.' Jon negotiated

"No, am I a mute? Can you not hear me?" Jill asked incredulously. "No, not happening!"

'The wall isn't going anywhere.' Benjen reminded him.

'I'm ready.' Jon assured him.

"It's like I'm not even here." Jill muttered. "You want to leave me alone here!" Jill declared dramatically. "I would die without you!"

"Listen to your sister." Benjen agreed. 'you don't understand what you'd be giving up, we have no families none of us father any sons-' Benjen explained.

'I don't care about that.' Jon told him but Benjen saw his face shift.

'You might.' Benjen told him 'if you knew what it meant...  Listen to your sister, she is the brains... and the muscle." Benjen remarked hugging her again.  "I better get inside and rescue your father from his guests.' Benjen said 'we will talk later.' he said giving Jon a pat.

"You care about me ." Jill told Jon. "Don't leave me alone in this world!"

"Jill-" Jon laughed pulling her to him.

"We came into this world together and we are leaving this world together!" Jill declared.

"You could be an actress." Jon remarked kissing her forehead.

"There is a great idea. Lets go south and join the theater you can be my groupie!" Jill told him.

"Gods Jilly."

'Your uncle is in the nights watch?' Tyrion said walking up the path.

'what are you doing back there?' Jon questioned

"Lurking." Jill answered turning around with dramatic flare as her hands landed on her hips.

'Preparing for a night with your family.' Tyrion corrected, 'I've always wanted to see the wall,' he remarked taking a swig from his jug.

'You are Tyrion Lannister.' Jon remarked 'the Queen's brother.'

'My greatest accomplishment. And you... You two are Ned Starks bastards aren't you?' Jon turned away annoyed, that was not what defined him. Jill knew his bastard title annoyed him more than herself. But she figured it was because he was trying to be the perfect son for their father. Trained harder, respected all the rules, and listened to every command. Jill, less so.  'Did I offend you? Sorry.' Tyrion said his eyes glued to Jill though. 'But you are the bastard though.'

'Lord Eddard Stark is our father.' Jon told him

'And lady Stark is not your mother..." Tyrion added.

"And thank the Gods for that!" Jill declared smugly.

"Making you and your gorgeous sister, the bastards.' Tyrion told them simply.

"I love my father but shouldn't it be him whos reputation was tainted. Jon and I had no say in anything... as I assume you didn't pray to the Gods in your mothers womb to be born a half man."

"Jill." Jon whispered pulling her back. But she had more confidence and attitude than any sane bastard should.

"You are right. Yet there you are and here I am." Tyrion told her.

"I know I'm right. I'm very smart, my father tells me all the time." Jill agreed and Tyrion chuckled.

'Let me give you some advice, bastards. Never forget who you are or what you are the rest of the world will not, wear it like armor, that way it can never be used to hurt you,' Tyrion told him, "Your sister already seems to have that down though.'

'What the hell would you know about being a bastard?' Jon shot back.

'All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes.' Tyrion informed them.

''Wow. Charming this one is, really.''

''Jill.'' Jon whispered

''No, no little man has a big mouth.'' Jill said stepping towards Tyrion. ''You want to throw names around? I'm sure you are called plenty, know them all.''

''Jill.'' Jon begged ''leave it be. He's the queens brother.''

''Yes and as he said a great achievement.'' Jill agreed sarcastically. Tyrion smirked up at her.

''A northern woman with a personality and an attitude to back it up.'' Tyrion remarked.

''Yes and what do you have to back up your mouth?'' Jill mused spinning her blade in her hand. Tyrions eyes never left her. ''Bravery.'' Jill remarked tipping the tip on her blade into the snow leaning forward on the hilt so she was face to face with him. He didnt falter away. ''It would have been fun taking a swing at you, my lord.'' Jill drawled as she stood up.

''Plenty of time for that''. Tyrion assured with a wink as he headed in.

''Jill!'' Jon shouted as she laughed out. ''You are going to lose your head!''

''Am not.'' Jill countered.

''He was flirting with you.'' Jon realized.

''Was not.'' Jill countered.

''Was too!''

''Make up your mind was he flirting or one move away from demanding my head!" Jill laughed out and Tyrion glanced back at them from the door. He felt the heat of the feast but he was captivated by Jill's laugh.

Snow on the Beach // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now