𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙤𝙪𝙩

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chp. 1
the way out

IT HAS BEEN A FEW DAYS since the collapse of Octo Valley. Many of the Octarians couldn't get sleep; many would whisper to themselves, and some had dark bags under their bloodshot eyes from crying.

Lee, in particular, had dark bags that could be seen underneath his eyes. After hearing the news of his twin missing. Lee's been staying wide awake to go search for Lillian. Jenna and Carlos would attempt to get him to lay down and rest, but the boy would turn away, giving them a huff.

The two elite octolings watched as Lee marched his way near the cliff, plopped down on the ground, resting his elbow on his knee while he leaned his cheek into the palm of his hand, looking at the scenery.

The scenery wasn't beautiful at all. It was buildings and machines in shambles.

"I'm worried," Jenna spoke, keeping her eyes on Lee. Carlos only nodded in response, scanning the area they were hiding in. Over six days after the collapse, many of the octolings had left, Carlos didn't know where they went, but he knew they weren't ever coming back to Octo Valley.

It was only their small little group, Sophia, Lee, Carlos, Jenna, Lela, and Joy, along with some civilians that had no idea what to do next.

Lela, sitting against the stone wall, pushed herself up from the wall and made her way over to Lee, hoping she could at least get him back on his feet.

"Lee," Lela put a hand on his shoulder. Her heart shrank at the way he looked back at her. His baby blue eyes were filled with nothingness.

The female octoling bit her lower lip, trying to word what she was about to say.

"Lee, I think we should leave. I-I," Lela hesitated, knowing this would most likely bring a reaction out of him, "I don't think Lillian's coming back."

Lela's breath hitched after earning a cold glare from Lee. His brows furrowed down, eyes filled with sorrow. It was like he was going to break down crying.

Instead, Lee stood and pushed Lela back, almost causing her to fall, but Jenna was able to catch her, "Lee, what the hell?!"

"What?! Are you out of your mind, thinking I'd leave this hellhole of a place and leave my sister behind?!" Lee yelled while tears spilled down his cheeks.

The boy fell to the ground, punching it with his fist while cursing at himself, "You're so useless! You couldn't save..you idiot!"

Lee screamed continuously, punching the stoned floor; he was causing his fist to bleed.

Sophia quickly rushed over to him and hugged him, "..Lee, it's not your fault! Please don't blame yourself. None of us knew where she went when the inkling arrived."

Lee only hid his face in the crook of Sophia's neck, sobbing and letting all of the bottled-up emotions out at last. He didn't want to go; he still wanted to wait for Lillian.

After letting out his sobs, Lee let go of Sophia's embrace and whipped away any remaining tears streaming down his face.

"F-Feeling better?" Sophia asked softly.

Lee gave her a nod in response, muttering a small "Thank you" under his breath as he got up from the ground, dusting off the little pebbles off his knees.

Jenna made her way to him with a first aid kit, "Here, let me take care of your hand. You caused yourself to bleed pretty badly, Lee. Don't want it to get infected." She told him.

Lee nodded, following after her inside the hiding spot. Once the two were out of sight, Sophia let out an exhausted sigh.

Lela joined her on the floor, "Do you think Lillian's dead?" Lela meekly asked.

Sophia kept her head low, unsure what to say. She didn't want to believe that Lillian was genuinely dead or she was somewhere in hiding.

"I doubt it." A monotone voice spoke up, breaking the silence.

Sophia and Lela looked back at Carlos, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Lillian isn't one of the top elites for no reason. She won't go down without a fight; I know she's alive." Carlos said.

Sophia thought this through and nodded in agreement. He was right; Lillian is strong. No way she would go and die.

"So, what's the plan now?" Lee asked, walking towards the group with his newly bandaged hand.

"We should head to Octo Canyon, and it's the only place that can inhabit us Octrains can live in peace," Sophia said.

"Octo Canyon?" Jenna questioned, tilting her head slightly.

Sophia nodded, "It's where most of our ancestors originate; actually, they built Octo Valley to get closer to the Inklings."

"Well, why are you all just standing here then," Joy, Lela's younger sister, finally spot up after being silent the whole day, "Let's go get our way out of here and find our new home!"

Joy marched her way towards the kettle, ignoring the puzzled looks the group gave her.

While they were confused about why she now spoke up, the group shrugged it off and followed her out of the kettle.

As they all jumped out of the kettle, Joy's big giant grin quickly faded at sight.

"Octo Valley.." She muttered.

This is reality. Their home was now in bits and pieces, beyond repair. Octo Valley is long gone.

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