Act 1, Chapter 2: The Rookie Awakens

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Lux's PoV

Lux: Ow, my head...

Ah, yes. Nothing like waking up to a throbbing headache and an aching body first thing in the morning. My goodness, my body feels so stiff. Good thing I keep a bottle of ibuprofen on my nightstand for times like this. 

I groggily turned onto my right side and groped for the ibuprofen bottle, but instead of feeling it or the cold, wooden surface of my nightstand, I felt nothing but air.

Wait, air?

Lux: Huh?!

Opening my eyes, I frantically looked at where my nightstand should be, but it wasn't there. Neither is all of my stuff.

Lux: What the -?! This isn't my room!

Where the heck am I?!

I looked over my shoulder and scanned the room I found myself in. It was large; much larger than my bedroom, and the walls were made of this strange metallic material. It was also dark, with the only light source being the dim light blue lights coming from the ceiling cove and the linear light fixture mounted on the wall across from me. Located to my left, in the corner of the room, was an exotic alien plant while on my right was a metal door.

Lux: Where am I? 

As I tried to sit up and look for answers, I suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot out from my right side.

Lux: Agh!

I collapsed back onto the bed and tried to catch my breath as I waited for the pain to subside. Once it had worn off, I slowly pulled off the covers and pulled my shirt up. Wrapped around my abdomen was a blood-soaked bandage covering the right side of my abdomen.

Lux: Huh, when did this -? 

Suddenly, everything came flooding back to me like a tsunami.

Lux: Oh, now I remember.

We were going from planet to planet, searching for Rakan, when Syndra suddenly began to act all weird. She began clutching her head as if she were in excruciating pain, and when Ahri tried to see if she was okay, she quickly pushed her away and took off without warning. Naturally, out of concern, we chased after her and followed her to some remote jungle planet, but after finding her, she immediately attacked us. Soraka was the first person she attacked, then Ezreal, who tried to defend her, followed by Jinx, Neeko, and Poppy. Then, Syndra unleashed a powerful dark orb attack at us, which Janna, Lulu, and I barely managed to block in time with a magical barrier before the attack hit us. After that? I'm not sure, but seeing how I'm now in this room all bandaged up, someone must have found me and brought me here... wherever "here" is.

But that begs the question: who brought me here? What happened to the others? Are they okay? Where are they?

I need to find them.

Slowly, I sat up, pushing through the pain as I threw my legs over the side of the bed. Once I was sitting on the edge of the bed, I scooted over to the wall before standing up. However, when I tried to stand up, my legs suddenly gave out.  

Lux: Woah!

I braced myself for a painful landing as I fell forward, but the impact never came. Instead, something small and soft had crashed into my chest and was keeping me on my feet. I opened my eyes and looked down. To my surprise, it was my familiar, Mimi, who was keeping me from falling. She usually never comes out of her weapon form, so seeing her out and about was a huge surprise for me.

 She usually never comes out of her weapon form, so seeing her out and about was a huge surprise for me

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