Oh shi- (cw sexual content)

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As Jack was laying on his bed, he wondered why Dave was killing those kids earlier in the morning. Did they do something to him? Or, did he just do it for fun. Maybe he has trauma with kids! Well, Jack didn't think much of it. He just, waited for Dave to come. After all, they were supposed to have sex after their shift and yknow, at night. After what, 15-20 minutes, Dave came and he immediately went into action. He layed down in bed with Jack and hugged him from behind.
"So, Sportsy, when are we gonna do this? Now er' later?"
"Whenever you want, Dave. Wheneeever you want."
"Well then, let's do it now so we can get it ova' with."
"I guess we could. But, why shouldn't we wait huh? You must be soo exhausted from walking to my house and you know, going inside of my house. You might want a break, sweetheart."
Jack was saying sweetheart in a teasing way.
"Eh, I'll be aight."
"A- okay then."
Dave sat up, he was ready to do this. But, Jack didn't. He was also ready but he was just, nervous. Jack sat up and got undressed. Dave did the same for himself (yes i'm making them wear clothes in this, it feels right to me). As soon as Jack was finished he turned around and looked at Dave.
"You ready yet?"
"I'm not sure, Sportsy. What if I look bad.."
"You'll be fine. Nothin' to be worried about."
"You sure?"
Dave moved close to Jack. Dave wrapped his arms around the tangerine corpse and held him close.
"Soo, we do it now or-..?"
"Let's just get it over with now."
Dave nodded and let go of Jack. Jack layed down onto the bed as Dave moved over on top of him. Dave picked up Jacks legs and held them up. (Dave was like holding the back of Jacks knees so, try to in-vision that).
"You sure bout' this?-"
"Yes I'm sure, Dave."
Dave smiled a bit before slowly sliding the tip of his member inside of Jack. Jack let out a small moan. Dave slowly slid in a bit more. Maybe, half of his member into the orange corpse.
Jack moaned gently. Dave pushed in the rest and started thrusting. Jacks body started trembling. He pulled his hand over his mouth and moaned into it.
Dave thrusted faster. He was panting a bit but, continued to thrust. Soon enough, Dave was practically pounding into Jack. Jack gripped onto the sheets with his free hand and moaned more. Each moan grew louder and louder.
"Mgh!~ D-Dave!~"
Jack uncovered his mouth and arched his back. Dave went as hard as he could. He wanted to make sure that the next day, Jack would barely be able to move. This way, Dave would know that he did a good job. Dave leaned down to Jacks neck and gave him small and dark hickeys. These hickeys went all over Jacks neck.
Jack was getting close to his climax. When Dave noticed this he slowed down a bit.
"M-mmh..!~ Dave, don't slow down. Please-?"
Jack isn't the usual kind of person to beg but, when it comes to getting edged, that's when the begging starts.
"Why should I go rough again, Sportsy?"
"Because I've been nice to you for a while and I think I fucking deserve it."
"Whateva' you say boss."
Dave sped up again, this time going faster than before. Jack immediately covered his mouth again and leaned his head back on his pillow. Jacks body was trembling a lot and his legs were twitching in Dave's hands.
Jack used his other hand to jerk off his member. As soon as he was going to wrap his hand around it, Dave slapped Jacks hand. Not a hard slap, but, a light one.
"Don't masturbate, Jack. Let it happen naturally."
"Cmon dave. I'm really fucking close and I just want it ou-"
Dave picked up the pace. He rammed his member inside of Jack. Jack let out a loud moan before finally letting loose.
Dave let out a slight groan before releasing inside of Jack. Jack moaned one last time before un-arching his back and taking his hand off of his mouth. The two panted heavily. Dave stared down at Jack. Jack looked up at Dave.
"You aight' down there, Old Sport?"
"Yes just, my back hurts like shit and i'm extremely tired."
"Hey Sportsy, yknow what that sounds like?"
"A fuckin' you problem."
Jack stared at Dave. Clearly unfazed.
"So like, are you going to pull out of not?"
"Right-, sorry Sportsy."
Dave pulled out immediately. Jack let out a sigh/moan of relief. Dave slowly layed down beside Jack and held him close.
"You alright, Old Sport?"
"Yea, you?"
"Yea, I'm alright. Wanna take a bath togetha'? So we can get the sex scent off of us?"
"Yea sure."
Jack sat up slowly, trying to make sure that like- he was okay from having what seemed like hardcore sex. Jack watched as Dave sat up beside him.
"You good?..-"
Jack nodded and slowly got up. As soon as he did so, he immediately sat back down.
"You broke my fucking legs, Dave."
He wasn't being serious. His legs just felt a bit numb.
"You want help gettin' up, Sportsy?"
"That would be very much needed right now."
Dave smiled and got up, he wrapped his arms under Jacks back and behind his knees. Holding Jack in a sorta bridal pose thing. Dave walked to Jacks bathroom and set him down onto the sink counter. Dave walked to Jacks bathtub and turned on the warm water.
"So, Old Sport. Did you enjoy it? Or nah?"
"I mean, it was good yea. Just don't fuck me so hard next time."
"I can't promise ya. But, I'll try."
Dave got up and wrapped his arms around Jacks neck, he pulled him into a light hug. Jack hugged back, pulling Dave close to him. They were comfortable with each other. Jack rested his head on Dave's shoulder. Jack wrapped his legs around Dave's waist and slowly fell asleep. He was comfortable yet tired. Dave was still awake though. He closed his eyes gently and listened to Jacks quiet snores. Dave slowly picked up Jack, trying not to wake him up, and walked to the bathtub. He turned off the water and closed the drain. Dave then, sat down in the bathtub while holding Jack on him. He shut the bathtubs curtain and rubbed the orange corpses back gently.
———————10-ish minutes later———————
Jack woke up and looked down at Dave. Dave looked back at Jack and smiled.
"G'mornin' Old Sport!"
"mm.. morning Dave.."
Jack sat up on Dave's waist area (not on his dick-),raised his arms up, and arched his back. He was stretching. Dave stared at Jacks chest.
Jack stopped stretching and stared at Dave.
"Excuse me?"
"Ah shat the fack up. I didn't say shit."
"Yea. Miss me with that kinda gay shit. I don't stare at mens chests."
"Didn't we like- just fuck?"
"Yea but, we had socks on. Right..?"
"I sure as hell wasn't wearing any socks, Dave."
"..does this make me gay?"
"Only if you want to be."
"Would you care?"
Jack stared at Dave.
"Do I not seem gay? You're a fucking idiot Dave."
Jack got off of Dave and sat down across from the purple corpse.
"Wai- So you're-"
Jack spoke over Dave's sentence.
"Yes i'm gay, how much of an idiot can you be?"
"Oh. Okay then!"
Dave gave Jack a thumbs up. Jack blinked twice and then smiled.
"I love you, dumbass."
"I love you too, Sportsy."
Jack moved close to Dave and kissed him straight onto the lips. It was like a peck on the lips except, it was a bit longer than just a peck. When Jack pulled away, Dave stared at Jack.
"Oh my. I-"
Dave was, I guess you can say flabbergasted.
"You weren't expecting that?"
Dave nodded. Jack smiled a bit and laughed.
"Wanna know what that sounds like?"
"A you problem!"
Jack and Dave laughed at that totally (not hilarious) hilarious joke. After they were done laughing it out and stuff, the two corpses washed themselves from the "sex scent" and got out of the tub. Though, Dave had to pick up Jack because of his little uh- issue. When Dave made it to the bedroom, he set Jack down onto his bed. The two of them dried themselves off and Dave grabbed them just some comfortable clothes to wear. They got dressed and layed down on the bed. Dave moved closer to Jack and cuddled him.
"How ya feelin', Sportsy?"
"Like shit. I feel like shit."
"Try gettin' some rest. You could call off work fa' tomorrow."
"I probably will."
Dave smiled.
"Good! Now go to sleep, Old Sport. I want you to get well rested."
"Alright. Goodnight, Dave."
"Goodnight, Old Sport."
"Oh and, before i forget."
Jack turned around, facing Dave. He kissed him straight onto the lips and turned back around. Going to sleep almost immediately.
————————End of chapter 5———————
1551 words

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