Chapter 5

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    They had ordered Chinese, (upon Clay's request) and they continued telling their engagement stories. Riptide had "lost" the ring at the pool, and once he had found it he proposed. Fatespeaker said that Starflight needed some help, so she had found the ring in his pocket and proposed. He said that it was not going to go like that but Fatespeaker interrupted him and said that it was as equally romantic as any other proposal. Everyone "awwwwed" when she said that. Sunny looked like she was about to burst into tears.

    "Hey Sunny-Bunny, you okay?" Glory asked her as she waved Sunny to come sit next to her.

    "N-no..." Sunny started blubbering. "A-all of you are e-engaged and I'm n-not even d-dating a-anyone." She looked up and tears were streaming down her face. "I w-want to get m-married, but I h-haven't m-met the r-right guy."

    "Hey, I know." Glory said. "I didn't think I was going to meet the right guy either until Deathy and I started dating. I knew he was the one." She smiled up at him. "You just have to be in the right place at the right time."

    "I-I have b-been trying-ing to b-be positive a-about it, b-but I c-can't after y-you all a-announced that y-you're e-engaged." She pulled her knees up to her chest and put her face in her hands and leaned up against Glory. She eventually quieted down as everyone was looking at her. She eventually fell asleep on Glory, after a few moments of quiet. Glory pulled a blanket over Sunny and got up. She looked at her with a look of worry on her face.

    "We need to find her someone." Glory said to everyone as they nodded. "Someone nice, someone who likes her personality. Does anyone have any ideas?" Everyone shook their heads. Glory sighed as she sat down to cuddle with Deathbringer. They all sat there thinking.

    Fatespeaker said, "In high school, I had this friend. His name is Sphinx. He seemed like he would like Sunny. Maybe they could meet up somewhere and talk one day."

    "Yeah, that seems like a good idea." Starflight agreed while everyone said, "Mmhm."

    After a few more hours of catching up (and eating), everyone eventually went home.

Thank you everyone for reading this story! It makes me so happy that people are enjoying my terrible eighth grade writing lol. Also, 200 READS ALREADY IS PRETTY INSANE GUYS.

- Toast

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