Chapter 2

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"I will be right back with all the results in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere!" The doctor joked.

"Don't worry, we won't!" Deathbringer grinned. The doctor laughed.

Glory was worried about what all the results would say. They had taken a LOT of different tests. She was worried that they would say that she was dying.

"Hey, you okay?" Deathbringer asked.

"Y-yeah. Just... worried."

"Yeah... I was too." Deathbringer's dad died when he was only ten years old. Glory was surprised. He rarely talked about his dad's death. "I was scared too..."

The doctor came in. "Well! Good news!"

"I don't understand. How can taking ten different tests be good news?" Glory was so confused.

"Well, nine of the tests came back negative... and the pregnancy test came back positive!" The doctor waved her arms in the air to show her excitement.

Deathbringer realized this was his chance. He got down on one knee. The doctor gasped. He took a deep breath and said, "Glory, once we graduated, I had a ring made special for you. Ever since then, I have been waiting for the right moment. This is the right moment." He got the ring out of his pocket. "Glory, will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

Oh my God. Oh my God. OH MY GOD. HE'S PROPOSING TO ME! was all Glory could think. She managed to whisper, "Yes!"

They drove home, not saying a thing to each other. Once they got home, they sat down and cuddled while they watched romantic movies together. They completely forgot that Glory was pregnant.

Once they finished the tenth movie, Glory sighed and said, "I think we should talk about what happened at the hospital. We are completely ignoring it."

"Me too," Deathbringer agreed.

"So, apparently I am pregnant. So that is why I have been so sick. I feel like we should get a pregnancy test from the store. And call all our friends and tell them the news. ALL of it," Glory added when Deathbringer opened his mouth to argue.

They had called all of their friends, and Glory went to get a home pregnancy test from the store. She took it and it came out positive.

"Well, I guess we are going to be parents." She sighed once she saw the results.

"I don't think we are ready for this Glory. We are only twenty-three years old! Five years ago we graduated... oh my god has it actually been that long?" Deathbringer said to Glory as she went to turn on the TV again.

"Yeah, it has. It's going to be so nice to see everyone again. I bet everyone has changed. Engaged." She sighed as she rested her chin on her hand. "Well, I think we are ready for this. According to my grandmother, my mom was only sixteen when she had me. Two years later, she had Jambu. Only eighteen with two kids. With the same boyfriend. I barely knew her. She died giving birth to Jambu." She paused before she continued, "We are ready for this, Deathbringer."

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