Chapter 1

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Glory and Deathbringer had been together since high school. Glory had gotten really sick one weekend, and Deathbringer was worried.

"Glory. I really think I need to take you to the hospital."

"No Deathbringer. I'm fine. I get sick, and then after a few days, I'll get better again. I promise. Really," she added when Deathbringer gave her a look. "Look, you can take me if I don't get better in three days, okay?"

"Ac-" he paused, "Fine, fine."

+*(Three Days Later)*+

Glory still was not better after three days.

"Glory, please let me take you to the hospital. Remember that promise you made me? Please let me-" Deathbringer continued his pleading.

Glory sounded annoyed. "Fine, you can take me"

"Okay, get in the car." Once they started driving over to the hospital, Deathbringer realized that they weren't talking. He really wanted their relationship to be a thing. Like, forever. Once they had graduated, he bought a ring so he could propose to Glory. It was beautiful. It matched her hair colors. Light green with streaks of blue and yellow. Deathbringer did not realize he was daydreaming about their relationship until Glory poked him to get out.

"Daydreaming again, Deathy?" That was her nickname for him.

"Hey! You know I don't like that name!" Deathbringer said to her while she was hunched over, laughing.

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