Personal Favor

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Demetria's POV

It's the day of the party. It's currently Saturday evening and my friends and I are going to the costume party. I changed my costume and I am now going as Ni Chang from the Forbidden Kingdom movie.

Scarlett is going as the Scarlett witch from marvel, Jasmine as Cleopatra, Cassandra is now going as Black Cat and Laura as Harley Quinn. I have to say they look great and I love my costume too.

The party is at one of the Vampires' house. His name is Terrace and apperantly one of the most popular guys in school. His family is one of the founders of the school so he hosts school based parties from time to time.

Scarlett was the one driving us. Oddly enough I was excited for this day, the only thing that would ruin it would be seeing Theo's face. The problem with Storm has been solved so I have no worry about seeing his face.

As we drove, I realised the outside of the school is really nice. I never explored it at all yet it's already been a month of my stay here.

The neighbourhood we were in was fancy, had beautiful houses and forests close to them. There was only one house that was standing out from the rest.

It was a two-storey with a dark grey garage and was filled with a lot of probably drunk, high and horny teenage killing machines. Everyone at the school is dangerous, imagine how they are when drunk.

We made a stop to the beautiful house that was playing really loud music. Jasmine and Scarlett were first to get out as they were at the front. I was seating with Laura and Cassandra in the back seat.

When we all got out, we started walking to the front door of the fancy home. Jasmine opened the door and got in, we followed behind her.

The first thing we were met with was the loud screaming of Doja Cat's music and people jumping up and down, some dancing to the beat others just laughing or screaming the lyrics out and enjoying themselves. Others obviously kissing because why? Horny teenagers everywhere.

At a distance we saw River and his friends, I already know most of River's friends but I know none of Storm's. They sat around a table in what looked to be a kitchen. They called us over as soon as they saw us.

"Hey ladies, you looking sexy." Aden comments in his Prince charming costume. He picked the most basic costume. I saw him hanging out with River a lot and three other people. Jasmine already filled me in on who is who. The girl with nice thick afro hair is Skylar and they have a "situationship". Then there's Lydia I have already met. Holden who is always never around but he's known as a future Beta.

"Thank you, thank you very much Charming." Cassandra does a cute curtsey.

"So you guys wanna have drinks to get hyped for the party or you just wanna go now?" Skylar comments. She was wonder woman, sexy and fierce. It's a good look for her.

"Wait isn't this the party?" I ask confused as to what she means. Everyone looked at me and smiled.

"No, this is what the school thinks the party is." Someone behind me says. Of course you know who likes to sneak up on me and doesn't know how to greet first.

We turn around to be met with a 6'7 Storm holding a red cup and looked to be in his normal clothes.

"Wait where's your costume?" Jasmine asks before anyone else did.

"I'm wearing one, can't you tell?" He sips on his drink. He was standing there with a blonde boy wearing a Loki costume. Yes I know Loki, people who don't watch avengers have not lived in life.

"We all know that's not a costume Storm." Scarlett rolls her eyes as she speaks

"Yeah it is, I'm a vampire. Humans do it, this is just more accurate than they do it." He gulps down his drink and puts the cup on the table. I think about his words a little, you know he kinda has a point.

"But shouldn't you be like Dracula or something? It's a costume party." I asked making him turn to me. His eyes held something but I couldn't figure out what.

"No, I was trying to dress up like the Vampire Prince, success." His voice was laid with sarcasm. "Can we talk?" He added.

I didn't know how to answer as everyone was looking between us now. I don't want to but, I don't think a have a choice.

"Uh, sure I guess." And just like that he took my hand and started walking outside.

I tried to free my hand but his hold was very strong though it didn't hurt but everyone was definitely staring at our conjoined hands and asking themselves why the hell he is holding me like that. I am asking myself that because this feeling is really nice. I felt sparks at our touch that caused me me to gasp lowly and look at our hands. My stomach did a flip at that but I immediately got my senses back.

"Wait wait stop!" I said and roughly pulled my hand from his. He turned around to face me, he looked confused. We were now outside by the pool and the music wasn't as loud here than inside. There weren't many people either.

"What is wrong with you? You had no right to pull me like that, especially not in front of these people." I was trying to lecture him but instead he was smiling and clearly enjoying this.

"You know you're cute when you're mad." He says taking a step closer.

"Oh my goodness." I exclaim, feeling annoyed. Wait did he say I was cute?

"I wanted to talk about Theo." My eyes widened at the mention of Theo. Now I wished I had a drink in my mouth so I can dramatically spit it out in shock.

"What? What about Theo?" I try acting oblivious to prevent any suspicion but I know he's smarter than that.

"I know he was the one who was torturing you. I'm surprised you didn't think I'd find out easily." He says. He was more serious this time. Did I just meet his boyish behaviour for a few minutes?

"WHY THE F-" I held my words before I could finish. I know shouting at him is definitely not the best idea. "Why the hell do you care?" I whisper shout at him of which he seemed to enjoy.

"Because I hate bullies." He says. Is that the actual reason?

"Look, just leave it alone and I will deal with it, okay? Okay." I say and turn around to leave.

"Oh he's taken care of don't worry." I stopped in my tracks when he said that, I turned back around and my face was clearly of fear of whatever he said might have made things worse.

"What? What does that mean?" He smiles revealing his perfect teeth which are making this whole situation hard.

"I had a.. talk with him. He won't be bothering you. Relax." He replies calmly. I don't believe he just talked to him.

"Oh my goodness I'm so getting in trouble. My mom will kill me, why are you even in my life? Oh my God, oh my God." I start breathing faster than usual and my head starts pounding. I'm having a panic attack, great.

"Hey calm yourself, he's fine I just reported him to Emma, he got suspended." I instantly calmed down when I felt his hands going up and down on my arms trying to soothe me.

I don't think his words or him touching me are the ones that calmed me. The way he was so close was. I haven't had any alcohol but I can feel something slipping away from my body as my breath got hitched in my throat.

"Guys we're about to go!" My head snapped to my right, Scarlett was standing there with Loki, waving at us.

When my reasonable thoughts came back, I quickly removed myself from Storm's hold, not caring about asking who Emma was. I think I saw his eyes had turned purple again but I was too distracted to make sure.

This is definitely going to be a long night


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