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'I've been wondering...'
'How much difference is there between the way Riko and I touch Nanachi?' Reg thought as he looks at Riko touching Nanachi's fur

"I'm telling you, let go of me... I can't work like this." Nanachi blushed

"just a bit longer" Riko rubbed her face on Nanachi's shoulder


"Whatcha thinking bud?" Rev said as he walked to Reg but he didn't asnwer

Reg thinks about Nanachi told him

the way you touch me, is so lewd!

'that is what I've been told, but...'

"helloooo?" Rev waves a hand in front of Reg

'is it that really lewd?' Reg looks at his hands,

Reg looks over to Nanachi who was getting hugged by Riko "Nnaaaaaaaa"

Reg walks towards Nanachi ignoring Rev

'bruh' Rev looks at Reg

Reg readies his hands to touch Nanachi, As he was to touch Nanachi he was slapped by Nanachi's tail



"You--! you tryna touch me while I got my guard down!?" Nanachi looks at Reg with an angry expression
"For the time being, you are forbidden from touching me!"

"!!!" Reg is shocked
"Wh- Why, Nanachi!?"
"Tell me what's so wrong that way I touch! I'll touch you properly!"

"Don't Make me straight-up explain that!" Nanachi stands up
"Good grief... Know when to stop!"
"Imma go draw some water" Nanachi walks away

"Nanachi!" Reg calls
"What should I do, Riko?" Reg sits down with gloomy expression
"Nanachi, the person who saved your life, hates me..."

"That's not because Nanachi hates you, Reg"

"Is-is that so, Riko?"
"Yup, that's just Nanachi's showing concern. or should I say..." Riko tries to think
"Sorry, Reg, This isn't someting you should learn from me"

"Why!? I don't know what to do if you don'e tell me!"

"*Sigh* What the hell happened to the "make your own decisions"" Rev whispered as he facepalmed
"Maybe try social distancing?"
"in other words, just don't get into Nanachi's personal space casually" Rev said as he thinks for a solution

"It will be fine, because Nanachi cares for you" Riko assured

"I don't get it at all" Reg sighs

Riko and Reg are asleep and Rev pretending until Nanachi walks out of the hide out and waking up Reg from the foots steps

'Nanachi?' Reg looks over Nanachi who is leaving
'Why is Nanachi being so sneeky?' Reg thought as he follows

But another one was also following the two

'I wonder where Nanachi is headed?' Reg asked himself

'What the hell is Reg doing?' Rev asked himself as he follows Reg

'What the hell is Reg doing?' Rev asked himself as he follows Reg

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'isn't this the secret hot spring that Riko entered...?'
'Why come to a place like this?'

'Maybe Nanachi is injured' Rev thought as he spies on Reg

Reg looks over to Nanachi who is bathing 'Whaaaaaa!' Reg blushed
'Th-th-th-thats right!'
'Of course, that's the reason for which to come here!'
'hm...? Reason...?' Reg remembers what the reason is

I too come here when I get injured

'Could it be?!'

Rev looked a bit closer on Nanachi and saw an injury on the Hip 'ah, so Nanachi is injured'

Reg starts going towards Nanachi


"na?" Nanachi heard some splashes of water


"Na." Nanachi turns around


"Nanachi! Where are you hurt?!" Reg asked

"NNAAAAAAAA" Nanachi screamed
"Reg?! Why are you here!?

Rev just let out a disappointed sigh in his hiding spot

"Ah... I just happened to come by, or rather..." Reg tries to explain

"ow!" Nanachi felt a sharp pain

"Show it!"

"Uwa... Hey, I Told you not to touch!"

"Just as I thought... You're hurt, aren't you?" Reg looks at the injury

"Nnaaa... I slipped and got caught in a branch along with my gear"
"I wonder if Riko and Rev found out..."
"I tried to keep you from finding at least."


"See, you...were like that with Riko and Mitty too."
"Always on the verge of bawling out for someone's sake, aren't you?
"Its kind of embarrassing to say this, but"
"I thought you'd worry about me if I were to get hurt too."

'How could I have had such Irredeemable thoughts...?'
'There's no way Nanachi would hate me!' Reg hugged Nanachi

?''There's no way Nanachi would hate me!' Reg hugged Nanachi

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"Na..." Nanachi blushed from embarassment

"Thank you feeling that way..."
"You made me so happy Right now!" Reg starts to tear up

"And there you go,"
"Crying in the end anyway..."
"Don't take this opportunity to bury your face..."

"Okay. Time to go back to back Reg" Rev is now beside the two startling them

"R-Rev?! Why are you here?!" Nanachi asked

"But-" Reg got cut off

"Cmon Reg let's go back" Rev grabbed him and starts to drag him away

"noooooooo! I don't wanna go!" Reg whined

"Sorry for the trouble" Rev apologized

Nanachi just nodded while sweatdropping

"Nanachi!, nooooooo!" Reg whined in the distance"

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