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you can't stop me from making goofy ahh chapter titles 

"Mimicked voice"

After the two robots finished washing the clothes, they went back in Nanachi's house and seeing Mitty on top of Riko with Mitty's saliva covering half her face... well, like 30% of her face and 10% in her shoulder

"What am I watching?" Rev looking at Riko and Mitty

"Stop it!" Reg threw the clothe and Rev caught it
"Get of her!" "I told you to stop!" Reg ran to Her

"e" Mitty made a sound

Reg stopped and just looked at her, not knowing what to do

"Don't worry"
"Mitty wont attack people" Nanachi Said to Reg

Rev set down the clothes and went beside Mitty and Riko, he looked over to them again and Mitty's saliva was in Riko's lips now, he sweatdropped... though Mitty is a cute hollow even though she looks like that
Rev raised his hand and slowly going to her head to pet Mitty. His hand then made contact with her skin... wait... 'It was fur!? I thought it was skin or something' He started to drift his hand across her head. Mitty's fur is soft as silk 

"aaaeee" Mitty made a sound from being pet. but still keeps doing her thing on Riko

"All right. Dinner's ready" Nanachi was done cooking

Rev stopped petting Mitty and looked over

"Here's my specialty: Netherworld stew" Nanachi shows what looks like hot Mud in a pot
"You should eat some too" Nanachi looked over to the two robots

"Oh me?" Rev pointed at himself "I'm good" Backed away a little bit

Reg looked over to him with a pleading look. Rev just sighed "fine" 'but there will be consequences'

Nanachi gave the two robots bowls of sticky mud. Rev took a scoop and put it in his mouth and started munching, looking like he's eating normal food (he turned off his taste buds)

Reg looked a bit shocked at Rev and looked at his bowl of mud still sweating, hue gulped and took a scoop and slowly put it in his mouth, he munched abit but then 'bleehhh' it started to flow out his mouth

Rev smirked. Reg looked at him with a betrayed look

"did you really make this from those ingredients...?" Reg asked Nanachi

"Ah... You.... Did it taste that bad?"
"Rev is doing fine" Nanachi looked at Rev

"Sorry... I Turned off my taste buds" Rev looked at Nanachi

"Nnaa... You can do that?"

"Do you eat this every day, Nanachi...?" Reg looked at Nanachi 

"Y-yeah..." Nanachi said, Reg stared

"W-what? Stop looking at me like that"
"I've never eaten anything tasty, so..." Nanachi started to cover their face

"Nnaaa... If you don't like it, just don't eat it..." Nanachi continues to eat
Rev's sleeping night is here so he had to sleep, he slept on the floor while Nanachi and Reg Have a chat

The next day, Nanachi asked Rev to come with Reg to find the orb piercer, and of course, he accepted

The two robots was on top of a flat-creeper, walking on the steaming water

"Can you hear me?" Nanachi said

Reg stumbles "It's kind of creepy... It feels like Nanachi's right next to me"

"Rev, how about you?" Nanachi asked

"Loud and clear"

"Amazing right?"
"I just picked these somewhere, though"

"I can hear you, but where are you, Nanachi?" Reg asked

"Don't worry, I can see you up here."
"Just push forward like that"


The two robots slowly walks but then a whistle was heard, they stopped and looked to where they heard it

Reg ran to where the whistle was being blew and Rev following beside

"Don't just push on blindly!"

After running a bit they encountered the Orb piercer and an old Black Whistle delver

"Huh!? kids!? No way! Don't come closer! stay back!" the black whistle said with wide eyes

"He's a black whistle. Looking for his luggage, he was targeted by it alone, This is a perfect chance. Want to try saving that first guest?" Nanachi said

"O-of course!" Reg replied

"Aight" Rev said

"Huh!? What are you two doing?!" Delver yelled at them

The orb Piercer now facing them, growling

"Look, Don't forget what I said, okay?"
"Okay, First, Look up as high as you can" Nanachi said

"Are you insane?!" Reg yelled

"Hey, look. Just look up as high as you can"

Rev was about to look up

"B-but..." Reg hesitated

"Get out of here now!" The delver yelled

"Oh, don't mind him. Also don't listen to him"
"My instructions..."

"...Are absolute!" Reg finally looked up and so did Rev

The orb piercer looked to where they were looking since it predicted it

"Reg! Jump to the right Just like that!"

Reg jumped to the right and Grabbed the face of the orb Piercer

"Rev jump on it's back!"

Rev immediately does what he is told and jumped on the back of the Orb piecer, he then grabbed the orb piercer's face

The orb Piercer started to move violently

"You've Grabbed it now, Don't let go"
"When it's confused, it'll try to get you blindly"

The orb piercer attacked blindly causing Reg to get Pierced multible times in the stomach and Rev getting pierced all over his body and the piercers penetrated his body

"Now! Tangle it up!"

Reg used his extendable arm and Rev materialized multiple poles from his back that bended to trap it 

"You've sealed its future now"
"Beat it to a pulp!"

Reg started to use his incinerator and Rev broke all the piercers and jumped away


After firing his incinerator, the steam was covering them,

the steam went away and the orb piercer went away

Reg looked for the Orb piercer but was nowhere to be found "Did it run away?"

"Well done, 80 percent of the needles cut themselves, we can't go hunting here anymore"
"Anyway, you two should get back here right now"

Reg approached the The black Whistle, Nanachi tried to stop him but Reg kept walking, Rev just

"Could I ask you to deliver a message? This message is for Jirou from Belchero Orphanage. That we're still... going to continue our adventure" Reg said


"thank you" then walked away, Rev following

'oh I forgot something' Rev remembered something

the C4 Rev planted on the Orb Piercer's back:

 going to continue our adventure" Reg said"O-okay" "thank you" then walked away, Rev following'oh I forgot something' Rev remembered somethingthe C4 Rev planted on the Orb Piercer's back:

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Rev made a thumbs up and brought the thumb down making an audible

Something loud was heard from a distance

"What was that?" Reg said

"Probably nothing" Rev replied

"Reg" Rev stopped walking and so did Reg

"What is it?" Reg looked at him

"I will ask you question"

"Um okay?"

"You are about to explode and Nanachi and Riko is Beside you, run away or tell them?" Rev said

"U-um I-"Reg got cut off by Rev back slapping him

"Ow! what was that for?" Reg rubbed his cheek

"You hesitated, too slow, the obvious answer is run away, try again" Rev asked

"Riko and Nanachi are getting attacked and are a few meters of each other, Save Riko or Nanachi?"

"U-uhm" Reg tried to think but got back slapped by Rev again

"That was a trick question, you have two extendable arms, you can grab them both of them, try again"

"What is this for?!"

"you are behind a monster with a shell that can withstand you punches and that monster is also in front of Riko, What do you do?"

"use my inci-" Reg immediately answered but its

"So many choices Reg... Drag the monster away with your extendable hands, Run to the side and grab Riko, Distract it"

"You almost killed me you know"

Reg looked down in shame "I'm... sorry"

Rev sighs" I forgive you, but you hesitate to much"

"H-how? do I-"

Rev put his hand on his shoulder "Sometimes you have no options to choose, You'll just have to trust yourself to make one"

Rev then started to walk again

Reg looked at his hands and clenched it with a face of determination to change


How do you guys like the conversation between the two robots?Rev completely changed a bit from that conversation am I right?

Don't worry he'll go back to his normal personality its not permanent

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