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"Mimicked voice"

"Her heart is still beating, you know?... It's about to stop any moment now, though"

"who are you?!" Reg questioned

"nnaaa... I'm a fluffy stuffed doll"

Rev wiped his tears and used Info catcher and checked her status

>[Info Catcher Activated]<
>[status  -->  Poisoned, Critical condition!]

"Reg, her heart is still beating" Rev told Reg

Reg went to Riko's side and also the fluffy stuffed doll

"nnaaa... this is pretty bad"

"what should we do?... Please tell us! I want to save Riko" Reg looked at the large teddy bear
"What can I do to get her breathing again" Reg added

"just blow a breath directly into her... Like a kiss, you know a kiss"

{I am very uncomfortable writing this part}

Reg immediately blew a breath into her, Rev looks away a bit

"Like that?"

"Keep going at it, but go a little slower" "also, pinch her nose shut"
"also tilt her chin to open her airway"

Rev tilts her chin up help air flow through, after a few more, Riko started to breath again

the two robots sighs in relief

"You two go and carry her back to my hideout, Ill find a way to do something for her"

Rev went to carry Riko to go the teddy bear's hideout

They went into the house, noticing tools and whistles hanged by the wall

"Hey, who exactly are you?" Reg asked

"Right, I guess I never told you my name... My name is Nanachi I'm what you cave raiders call... a Hollow" the hollow introduced themselves

>[Info Catcher Activated]<
>[Name              -->  Nanachi
    Gender           -->  Nanachi
    Species          -->  Narehate
    Status             -->  Alive
    Occupation  -->  Explorer]<
'Nanachi's gender is Nanachi?... um... aight'

"Lay here down here" Nanachi looked at Rev

Rev did what he is told and carefully put down Riko then went to Reg to give Nanachi some space

"Nanachi, it might be rude to ask, but aren't you the same age as us?" Reg asked 

"Having second thoughts? if so, just go find someone else to fix her up, then" Nanachi eyed Reg

"I beg you, please save Riko!" Reg begged

"nnaaa, Good kid."

Rev Hit Reg on the shoulder. "ow... sorry" Reg apologized
Nanachi took something out "This is "medicine" made from a "friend" and hardened with wax"
"When you cant administer it from the mouth just do it from the butthole"

Reg blushed and Rev just looked away "-_-' "

Nanachi starts to take out the shattered bones and white veins and began to stitch the cut

"But now here comes the not-so-fun part" Nanachi looked at the two robots
"I need to ask you guys to bring me stuff"

"just tell us!" Reg tried to reach for Nanachi but Rev grabbed his cloak thingy

Nanachi backed away from discomfort

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