Discalaimer - please read all of it

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Hello lovely readers. I really hope you enjoy my story, but there is a few things that you should know before you continue.

This story is undergoing editing, that is why some chapters say edited, and others don't. Even though they may be edited that does not mean they are free of spelling and grammar mistakes, it just means that it's been changed from what the chapter previously was. This will not make the story difficult to understand at all it just means some paragraphs may sound and flow better than others. If there is any mistakes in my writing please help me.

This is a boy on boy story if you did not know that.

This is also my slowest updated story, so please wait at least three weeks until I get complaints about updating.

I will not tolerate hate to each other in the comments it's disrespectful, especially if the person is giving their opinion or trying to help me out. I can handle it I do not need your help; thank you very much.

All photos I may use are most likely not mine and the models have nothing to do with the story except to give you a better idea of the characters image.

The photos used are not an exact description just something you can reference to, so the story and the features may not always go perfectly hand in hand.

This story does contain mature content and has touchy subjects, if you think you cannot handle that please leave.

I may have forgotten something in this disclaimer, so please just be prepared for anything. I apologize if there's something major that I left out.

Please enjoy! :)

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